
Bleeding and Clotting Time Test Cost & Procedure

Bleeding and Clotting Time

Bleeding and Clotting Time

Book Bleeding and Clotting Time Appointment Online Near me at the best price in Delhi/NCR from Ganesh Diagnostic. NABL & NABH Accredited Diagnostic centre and Pathology lab in Delhi offering a wide range of Radiology & Pathology tests. Get Free Ambulance & Free Home Sample collection. 24X7 Hour Open. Call Now at 011-47-444-444 to Book your Bleeding and Clotting Time at 50% Discount.

₹ 380 ₹ 190

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What is the BT CT test ?

Bleeding time (BT) and clotting time (CT) is a simple blood test which is done to identify if the person is suffering from any blood clotting disorders. A BTCT test can determine if the person's blood can clot well or not.

Whenever  we get a cut and have bleeding then the platelets and different clotting factor forms a layer on that cut to stop the bleeding however if the person have the clotting disorder , then this protective layer cannot be formed and the person bleeds more than the average, excessive bleeding can increase your chances of severe complications.

What are the benefits of the BT CT test ?

BT CT  test have several benefits few of them are listed below : 

  • BT CT test helps in identifying the problems associated with the bleeding disorders
  • BT CT test is also done to monitor the ongoing treatment and to determine whether there is  a need to change the ongoing therapy or not.
  • Bleeding time (BT) and clotting time (CT) is done before any surgery also to rule out the risk of excessive bleeding in a patient
  • BT ct Test is also beneficial for those people who have a family history of bleeding disorders or clotting disorder to rule out their risk at an early stage

Symptoms that may call for BT CT test

Person with the bleeding disorders shows many bleeding problem symptoms few of them are listed below

  • Easily get bruised
  • Heavy bleeding during menstruation
  • Blood in the urine or in the faeces
  • Nose bleeding
  • Bleeding in the gums.

Preparation required for the BT CT test 

  • Fasting is not required for this test.
  • Tell your doctor about your health condition and if you are taking any medications.
  • Avoid consumption of alcohol before the test.

Procedure for BT CT test

  • A phlebotomist wil tie a rubber band around your arm to find the appropriate vein, they may also ask you to make a fist if the veins are not visible . 
  • After this alcohol swab is used to clean the arm and then the needle is inserted into the vein to draw the blood sample.
  • After collecting the appropriate amount of sample the puncture site is then covered with the bandage.
  • The blood sample is then sent to the lab for further analysis.

After care

No particular type of care is required. Just leave your dressing strip on for at least 15 mins

What are the BT CT normal value 

  • Bleeding time normal value is 2- 7 minutes.
  • Clotting time normal values are 8-15 minutes.

What does the abnormal bleeding time and abnormal  clotting time test report means

  • Abnormal bleeding time means that there is a problem with the platelet function and further test needs to be done to determine the exact cause 
  • Abnormal clotting time means that  there might be some deficiency or problem with the clotting factor which further indicates some serious complications

Cost of BT CT Test in Delhi

The BT CT Test cost varies INR 200 to INR 500 based on the location and the facility of the diagnostic centre.You can book your BT CT test in Delhi with ganesh diagnostic centre and get a discount upto 50% off.

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Choose the Top BT CT blood Test Centre in Delhi NCR

Ganesh Diagnostic is one of the most reputed and prestigious Diagnostic centres that provides a 24*7*365 Days facility as well all the test results here are 100 % accurate to help the patients to get the best and the right treatment for easy recovery.We also provide free blood sample collection at home.Get tested and treated well with the Best diagnostic centre.

Test Type Bleeding and Clotting Time

Bleeding and Clotting Time (Pathology Test)


Within 24 hours*

Test Price ₹ 190 ₹ 380
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