
10 Diseases Caused by Iron Deficiency: Tests, Symptoms and more

10 Diseases Caused by Iron Deficiency: Tests, Symptoms and more

This deficiency can result from factors like inadequate iron intake, blood loss, or absorption issues. Symptoms include fatigue, pale skin, shortness of breath, and more. 

Iron deficiency is a medical condition in which the body loses the immunity of producing adequate haemoglobin. Protein present in the RBC that carries oxygen. 

What are the causes of Iron deficiency?

  • If you’re not consuming enough iron or iron rich foods like meat, green vegies etc. 
  • Due to a heavy period, accident, injury, ulcer or internal bleeding you’ve blood loss, this can be one of the reasons for iron deficiency.
  • Maybe one reason can be that your body is demanding more iron.
  • Absorption can be one reason for iron deficiency in your body. Celiac diseases or gastric surgery can reduce the absorption.

What are the symptoms that you can understand if you're having Iron deficiency?

Here are many symptoms to understand the iron deficiency in your body such as-

If you’re having any symptoms like these- Consult and book your iron deficiency test at Ganesh diagnostic and imaging centre, the best center in Delhi.

Let’s discuss about the diseases caused by the iron deficiency:

Thalassemia-  It is a blood disorder that causes the body to have less hemoglobin than normal. Hemoglobin than normal. Hemoglobin allows red blood cells to carry oxygen. In some babies or newly born babies it is shown from the birth and in some cases it is shown in the first two years of life.

Anemia-  A type of blood disorder that happens when the body doesn’t have enough red blood cells or hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the body’s tissue. Tiredness, weakness, and breath shortness are the symptoms. 

Restless Leg Syndrome-  It is a neurological disorder causing an unwanted urge to move the legs, it is linked with iron deficiency.

Pica- In this condition an individual feels the unnecessary craving of eating non food items such as- dirt, ice and chalk.

Aplastic anemia- When the body stops producing enough new blood cells. This condition makes the person fatigued, lazy and suffer from uncontrollable bleeding. 

Vitamin deficiency anemia- Lack of healthy red blood cells caused by lower than usual amounts of Vitamin B12 and folate. Without these nutrients, the body produces red blood cells that are too big and don’t even work properly.

Pregnancy Complications-  The risk or premature birth can be increased due to the iron deficiency

Hair Loss: Excessive hair shedding and thinning is a situation that happens because of iron deficiency. 

Sickle cell anemia- This disease affects the shape of red blood cells. Red blood cells are usually round and flexible, so they can move easily through blood vessels.This disease can cause sickness or half moons like. These sickle cells become rigid and sticky, which can slow blood flow. 

Brittle nails- A condition where the nail becomes thin, brittle and spoon shaped due to iron deficiency.

(Tests links are attached with the names of diseases, if you’re having these types of symptoms. You can book your tests at GDIC, We offer the valuable experience and special care of our patients with over 25+ experience).


Iron is one of the main nutrients for your well being. Iron deficiency is a common but not ignorable health condition, it can lead to anemia, weak immunity, fatigue, development delays, and complications in pregnancy as well. Early detection and proper diet can help you in preventing iron deficiency, eating green veggies can help you in recovering with iron deficiency. Maintaining a enough amount of iron is crucial for overall health, energy level, and organ functions.


Q. What are the tests to detect iron deficiency of anemia you can book now?

Q. Do I need iron supplements?

If your doctor prescribed you the use of supplements then only otherwise not.