
15 Best Tips for Pregnancy

15 Best Tips for Pregnancy

In this article, we’ll shed light on what to do during the pregnancy to have a healthy baby and avoid any complications during the pregnancy.

The news of pregnancy is a happy moment not only for the husband and wife but for the entire family. This auspicious moment connects two families. From the news of the pregnancy to the birth of the baby, the happiness of the family doubles. After pregnancy, any woman does everything so that her baby is born healthy and fit. After pregnancy, the life of every woman changes completely. Her life becomes more beautiful than before.

During pregnancy, you need to take care of certain things because a small negligence of yours can prove to be dangerous for you and your baby. You should pay attention to your diet, and what you are eating and drinking throughout the day. Whatever you eat or drink, is it beneficial or harmful for you and your baby? What time do you sleep, what time do you wake up? Do you exercise in the morning or not? 

How long do you sit in a day, for how long do you remain stiff, and for how long do you walk? It is important to take care of all these things. Apart from paying attention to food and lifestyle, you should visit the doctor from time to time, talk to him in case of any kind of problem and keep getting your pregnancy checked.

Today we will tell you about the 15 most important things about which you should be careful. You should know what to do and what not to do. Also, what to eat and what not to eat.

  1. Drink plenty of water: Drink at least three to four litres of water and one to two glasses of juice throughout the day. By doing this, the toxins present in the body are removed from the body. If you want, you can also drink coconut water once a week.
  2. Consume high-fibre food: The problem of constipation increases during pregnancy, so it is very important to have a good digestive system. Try to take as much fibre as possible in your food. Because it does not cause the risk of gas or constipation.
  3. Eat green leafy vegetables: During pregnancy, women should include green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, cabbage and broccoli in their diet. The iron present in spinach helps in preventing anaemia during pregnancy. Apart from this, legumes such as beans should also be eaten. They contain high amounts of fibre, protein, iron and calcium, which are needed by pregnant women.
  4. Consume dairy products: All dairy products are as important for a pregnant woman as they are for a normal person. Milk, buttermilk, curd and ghee are more important for a pregnant woman. Protein and calcium are needed for the development of the baby during pregnancy. Therefore, women should include all dairy products in their diet.
  5. Consume fruits and their juices: Fresh fruits and their juices are also very beneficial in pregnancy. Apples, watermelon, oranges, pears and their juices can also be consumed. But some fruits like papaya, pineapple and grapes should be avoided because they have a very bad effect on the baby.
  6. Eat dry fruits: Dry fruits also provide a very good diet during pregnancy. You can include almonds, walnuts and cashews in your diet. They contain many types of vitamins, calories, fibrea and omega-3 fatty acids, which are needed by both mother and baby.
  7. Eat eggs: Eggs are very nutritious. Eggs are rich in protein, biotin, vitamin D and antioxidants. Therefore, it is also very beneficial for pregnant women.
  8. Eat whole grains: You can also include whole grains such as oats, brown rice and quinoa in your diet. They contain a large amount of calories. It is beneficial for both the baby and the mother. If you are a non-vegetarian, you can eat lean meat.
  9. Do not take medicines as per your wish: Take only those pregnancy-related medicines in the same quantity as your doctor has told you to. Avoid taking any kind of medicine as per your wish. Also, keep getting your pregnancy checked from time to time.
  10. Stay away from caffeine: If you like to eat more coffee, tea or chocolate, then remove the thought of consuming all these things in excess during pregnancy. Excess caffeine increases the risk of miscarriage. Therefore, do not consume all these things during pregnancy. Due to its continuous consumption, the problem of low birth weight of the baby is also seen many times. Therefore, it is better to avoid the use of caffeine during pregnancy.
  11. Stay away from alcohol: Although any kind of intoxication is harmful to every person, pregnant women should stay away from alcohol as well as other intoxicants. Intoxication affects the physical and mental development of the baby. Due to this, the baby is not able to develop completely and many times abortion also occurs.
  12. Avoid fish: Although fish consumption is good during pregnancy, fish with high mercury content should not be included in the diet.
  13. Do not eat raw meat: Consumption of raw meat should also be avoided because its use increases the risk of miscarriage. Fruits and vegetables should not be eaten without washing.
  14. Do light stretching: Stretching brings flexibility to the body, due to which you have to face very little pain at the time of delivery. Stretching during pregnancy is very beneficial. It makes the body flexible and also reduces your stress. While stretching, stay in one position for at least 20-30 seconds. Keep in mind that after stretching, pressure should be built on your body gradually. If during any stretching, there is too much pressure on your body or you start feeling pain, then stop that stretching right there. Keep in mind that you do not do any stretching forcefully. Doing this can cause problems for you and your baby.
  15.  Walk daily: Walking is very beneficial for the health of every person. Walking for a short distance every day is considered a very good exercise for a pregnant woman. Walking improves blood circulation in the body and keeps you fit. While walking, you have to keep in mind that you are walking at a normal speed. Walking fast or running can harm you and your baby instead of benefiting them. Therefore, keep in mind that you are walking comfortably.

Note from the Ganesh Diagnostic Centre

Taking care of the health during pregnancy is important and can be done with the tips mentioned above but along with those tips, it is very important to track the health of the developing baby with different pregnancy tests. Pregnancy and the diagnostic test go hand in hand therefore it is very important to make sure to track the health of the baby with the diagnostic test too. Consult with your doctor and based on your condition book your pregnancy test. We understand the value of the accuracy of test results. This is why we bring you 100% accurate results and convenience at your doorstep. We provide free home sample collection services so book your test now at an affordable range only with Ganesh Diagnostic Centre

Another Test Available at Ganesh Diagnostic Centre for Your Healthy Pregnancy


What are the common pregnancy tests?

The common pregnancy tests are triple marker test, multiple marker test, glucose tolerance test

Where can I find a pregnancy test near me?

You can type a pregnancy test near me in Google search for the nearest centres available or click here for consultation.

Where are the Ganesh Diagnostic Centres in Delhi?

Ganesh Diagnostic centres are present in Rohini, Nangloi, Model Town, Hari Nagar, Mangol Puri and Yamuna Vihar

What is the cost of a multiple marker test in Delhi?

Cost depends on the area and the healthcare facility provider. You can choose Ganesh Diagnostic for heavy discounts and the best facility. contact us 

 What are the best tips for pregnancy?

Drink plenty of water, light physical activity, avoid eating raw food, avoid alcohol consumption etc