
7 Amazing Health Benefits of Buttermilk

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Buttermilk

In this article, we will discuss buttermilk benefits. We will also discuss some common questions related to buttermilk.

Buttermilk is a refreshing, tasty, tangy and creamy drink that is made by fermenting milk. The milk is made by lactic acid bacteria, which creates a sour flavour and is thicker than regular milk with rich probiotic properties. The drink also contains vitamins, amino acids, minerals, etc., for healthy refreshment.

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Buttermilk?

Buttermilk is nutritious and has a lot of health benefits if consumed regularly and in limited quantity. Here we will discuss some of the health benefits of buttermilk like:

Good Nutritional Quantity

Buttermilk is good for health and contains a good amount of nutrients for good health and development. Milk is naturally good for health and has a lot of health benefits. Here is the breakdown of nutrients and energy in 100gm of buttermilk.

Nutritional value of 100 gm of buttermilk.

S. No.





40 kcal



3.31 g



116 mg



89 mg



151 mg



0.154 mg


Pantothenic Acid

0.275 mg

Promotes Gut Health

Buttermilk is good for gut health as the fruit contains probiotics, which help to improve gut health. Buttermilk helps for good bowel movement and reduces the possibility of constipation. Good gut health also helps for good nutrient extraction from diet and guides to sound healthy development. Probiotic is a special type of fibre that enables to increase the microbial development of good gut bacteria. This keeps the gut clean and keeps sound health to fight against the infection. Good gut health is beneficial for the overall health and development of the body.

Good for Bones and Teeth

Buttermilk is a good source of calcium and phosphorus, which is best for good bone strength. This helps to maintain bone density and help to fight against bone diseases like osteoporosis and other bone conditions.

Helps in Body Hydration

Buttermilk is a good option to keep the body hydrated all day long. Body hydration is important and helps to perform the body function normally and effectively. Any loss in the body fluids makes the body dry and makes it difficult for the body to excrete the wastes from the body early and easily.

Energy Booster

Buttermilk is a good source of vitamin B12, which is a good source of energy. Taking buttermilk can boost energy immediately because of the presence of vitamins and some sugars.

Helps to Strengthen the Immune System

Buttermilk also helps to strengthen the immune system of the person. Buttermilk contains probiotics, which are very helpful in strengthening the immune response of the body.

Help to Treat Acidity

Buttermilk is very helpful in persons having acidity issues in their stomachs. The cool and alkaline nature of buttermilk is very useful in acidity conditions.

Other benefits of the buttermilk include:

  • Helps weight loss.
  • Detoxification of the body.
  • Anti-ageing properties.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Helps in Weight Management etc.


Buttermilk is a refreshing, tasty, tangy and creamy drink that is made by fermenting milk. The milk is made by lactic acid bacteria, which creates a sour flavour and is thicker than regular milk with rich probiotic properties. Some health benefits of buttermilk are keeping the body hydrated, good for gut, good for acidity issues, promoting immune strengthening etc.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What is buttermilk?

Buttermilk is a refreshing, tasty, tangy and creamy drink that is made by fermenting milk.

What are the benefits of buttermilk?

Some health benefits of buttermilk are keeping the body hydrated, good for gut, good for acidity issues, promoting immune strengthening etc.

What are the various side effects of Buttermilk?

Buttermilk can cause issues for persons having lactose tolerance issues.

Can I take Buttermilk during diabetes?

Yes, you can take buttermilk in moderation during diabetes.

Does buttermilk expire?

Natural buttermilk at room temperature can have a shelf life of 1 to 2 days. Other forms of buttermilk can have different expiry dates depending on the packaging.

Can we feed babies with Buttermilk?

Yes, we can feed babies more than six months of age with buttermilk.

Can I take Buttermilk with other medications?

You should consult a doctor when taking buttermilk with other medications.