
7 Incredible Health Benefits of Black Grape Juice, Its Downsides

7 Incredible Health Benefits of Black Grape Juice, Its Downsides

Here are we going to discuss 7 much tasteful benefits of drinking grapes juice.

Black grapes locally known as “Kale Angoor” is a sweet fruit, small in  size, preferred for their blue-purple color appearance. All varieties of grapes - green, black, red and blue are full of essential and beneficial compounds. They're packed with beneficial antioxidants and nutrients. You can even have it in a form of smoothies, juice or in liquid form.

Here are we going to discuss 7 much tasteful benefits of drinking grapes juice-

  1. Rich in antioxidants: Flavonoids, Vitamin C are the main antioxidants present in grape juice. These compounds help combat free radicals in the body.
  2. Supports heart health: Drinking grape juice can improve your heart health condition, and it helps to reduce the bad cholesterol level. It also helps to reduce high blood pressure. 
  3. Boost immunity: As it is packed with vitamin C  and other nutrients, this strengthens your immune system and gives you a boost in your health. 
  4. Enhance brain function: As grapes contain Polyphenols which helps to improve memory, concentration, and overall brain functions. Regular consumption may help prevent diseases like Alzhemiers and Parkninso’s by protecting brain cells from damage.
  5. Helps to improve digestion: It also works as a detoxifier,helps out toxins present in the body. It also contains natural fibres that support digestion.
  6. Provides Energy and hydration: It is one of the best natural boosters of energy, provides quick hydration, and essential nutrients. 
  7. Skin Health: It also helps in improving and reducing the aging and maintaining youthful and glowing skin. It helps to reduce wrinkles and keeps the skin much hydrated.

Nutrients Values in Grape:

Nutritional Content

Value per 100 grams


60 g


15 g - 20 g


0.3 mg

Vitamin A

8 IU

Vitamin C

0.1 MG


0.1 g


0.4 g

Some Interesting Facts:

  • The black colour of a black grape is due to  anthocyanins that provide scholar to blue, purple and others
  • Black grapes are over 6,000 years old.
  • Black grapes can manage the brain related issues and aging issues. 
  • Most grapes which are used to make red wine.
  • You can buy seedless and seeded black grapes.

Other Health Benefits of Grape Juice:

  • Heart Health 
  • Boost Immunity
  • Help in diagnose cancer
  • Protect against heart diseases 
  • It is antibacterial
  • Boost brain power
  • Hypertension 
  • Boost strength
  • Reduce or delaying aging process
  • Helps in relieves migraine
  • Cognitive function
  • May lower the blood pressure
  • Blood glucose monitoring
  • Helps in weight loss

How to Make Black Grape Juice at Home?

Add ingredients:

  • Two cups of black grapes
  • Half cup of water 
  • One teaspoon of lemon juice
  • Add honey or natural sweetener (best for diabetes patient)
  • Blend it carefully and enjoy it.

Side effects of grape juice-

  • Blood sugar spikes: Excessive of grape juice consumption can lead to exceeding your blood sugar level. 
  • Allergic reaction: Itching, hives and swelling, it is rare but bad quality or bad conditioned grapes can cause this.
  • Stomach issues: Excessive consumption can lead to bloating, diarrhea, or an upset stomach. 


Grape juice is a powerhouse of health benefits, you can consider it as a great diet food in your routine. Whether you drink it or consume it in the form of liquid it could boost your immune system, energy and help you to improve your health. Grab a glass of grape juice or have a handful of black grapes and eat it to boost yourself and improve your health conditions.

People May ask

Q. What are the benefits of drinking black grape juice?

Can help sharpen your brain, weight management goals and improve heart health.

Q. Which season is best to buy black grapes?

July to October is the best season to buy and consume black grapes.

Q. What happens if I consume grapes daily?

Having grapes daily keeps the metabolism active and it helps to boost your immunity.