
Best Blood Test Centre to Choose for Your Health

Best Blood Test Centre to Choose for Your Health

Blood test centre helps millions of patients to get tested for different diseases and conditions at home without going anywhere it saves time for the patient and can be booked through the online medium as per the patient's convenience this online facility also benefits the diagnostic centre such that they can carry out multiple samples at a time perform many tests that help the patient to diagnose early. The best blood Lab tests at home provide sufficient data for the doctor to get insight into the exact cause of the disease and how it impacts the person's health and provide a custom care plan to manage the condition, these tests help the person to diagnose several diseases in the early phase and help one take preventive measure to cure the condition.

When a blood test is suggested?

A blood test may be suggested under different conditions to check the overall health status of the patient a blood lab test can be done to:-

  • Detect how well your organs (Kidney, Liver, Heart, or Thyroid) are working.
  • Diagnosis of Chronic Diseases such as Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Thyroid Disorder, and hypertension at an early phase, even before the symptoms appear.
  • Determine the medical status of a disease that helps monitor the disease progression.
  • for a Preventive Health Checkup, if any disease is detected in the early phase during the diagnosis, it can be treated well by taking preventive measures.

Why a blood test is necessary?

A lab test may be required under different conditions and it will give you insight into the overall health status of a person it examines and measures the cells, and proteins for other medical conditions and gives a complete account of the person's health status. Blood tests have many purposes including:-

  • Overall health status.
  • For different abnormalities.
  • Organ functioning.
  • Screen for various genetic disorders and chronic diseases.
  • Blood clotting factors.
  • Monitor the disease progression.
  • To monitor the health status of a person.
  • Monitor the efficacy of a treatment.

Top blood tests to choose for your health

1. CBC Test

CBC Blood Test is used to assess overall health, measure blood cells such as RBCs and WBCs, and screen for any type of blood infection. Blood This is done to monitor diseases and infections of blood as well as the organ's functioning.

2. Kidney Function Test

Kidney function test is used to measure the functionality of our kidneys to check how well our kidneys can clear out waste and also to check for any type of infection associated with the kidneys and urinary tract. It can be done. This test requires a 24-hour urine sample

3. Liver Function Test

A liver function test is used to screen and diagnose diseases related to the liver and other disorders related to various organs. This test can assess a person's overall health and provide valuable information about the diseases.

4. Lipid Profile Test

Uses of Lipid Profile Test Blood It is done to check the level of cholesterol and triglycerides. It gives valuable information about the cholesterol level in our body which checks the risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart attack, stroke etc.

5. Prandial blood sugar Test

This Blood Sugar test the level of sugar in your body 2 hours after a meal It helps determine sugar levels and check how well your body can control it. this test should be done daily as a part of regular blood tests to monitor sugar levels and underlying health conditions that may be causing abnormal sugar levels.

 6. Glycohemoglobin (HbA1c) Test: This test in long-term Blood Measures sugar levels, and tells how high they have been over the past 2-3 months.

 7. Fasting blood sugar Test: This test is done after eating dinner at night and measures your blood sugar level when you have not eaten.

 8. Insulin Test: Measures the functioning of insulin and how it can control blood sugar levels in our body.

9. HDL cholesterol Test

HDL cholesterol also known as good cholesterol, reduces excess cholesterol and causes plaque formation  Blood Helps prevent blockage of vessels. They do this by delivering it to the liver after which they are removed through excretion, this can also prevent bad cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and cardiovascular diseases.

10. TLC Test

TLC test measures the levels of various leukocytes in our blood. Blood Measures the levels of five different leukocytes in

 11. Thyroid Test

Thyroid tests are used to detect thyroid hormone levels to check for various conditions such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, metabolic disorders, and autoimmune disorders.

TSH Test- Checks thyroid hormone levels during certain conditions.

T3 and T4 Test- This test is used to check the levels of T3 and T4 needed for normal growth and development of the body. 

Thyroid Antibody Test - It is used to diagnose Hashimoto's Thyroiditis by checking the levels of antibodies produced against the thyroid gland.

12. Haemoglobin Test

This Blood test is used to check Abnormal haemoglobin levels and to measure haemoglobin levels and many underlying diseases.  Blood Hemoglobin count is measured in g/dL based on which a report is generated.

Choose Ganesh Diagnostic the best blood centre

Ganesh Diagnostic is one of the most reputed diagnostic centres located in Delhi NCR with a 24*7*365 day facility for different blood tests, here all the test results are 100% accurate so that the patients get the best and right treatment to recover easily. So if you want to get tested and treated well Book your online appointments now and take advantage of the opportunity.

We also provide free blood home sample collection  and cholesterol Tests at home, So Get tested and treated well from the top diagnostic centre near you.


The Best blood test centre should offer quick testing and better healthcare services to their patients to diagnose serious medical conditions their response and availability during blood sample collection for blood test ensures that patients need not worry and will get service with trained medical staff before reaching their destination for blood home sample collection.

While going for Blood sample collection at home one must check every factor like, experience, response, and transparency in pricing

Ganesh Diagnostic Centre is a proven, well-reputed blood lab test centre in Delhi that aims to provide the best medical healthcare services to its patients So get tested and treated well with a top diagnostic centre near you.


How to choose the best blood test centre in Delhi NCR?

You can check their reputation, experience, trained staff, feedback etc. Choose Ganesh Pathology Lab for the best healthcare services.

Where to find the best blood test centre at home in Delhi NCR?

Delhi has many service providers, but you can choose Ganesh Diagnostic for quick and immediate blood sample collection and blood lab testing.

What is the booking time for a blood test at Ganesh Diagnostic?

You can either book online or contact us at PH NO-011-47444444 Call Centre NO-011-47333333, Mobile NO-9810183948.

What is the charge for different blood tests by Ganesh Diagnostic?

We offer a 50% per cent discount on all tests so get treatment from the best diagnostic centre Ganesh DiagnosticDiagnostic

Is there any charge for online blood sample collection at home by Ganesh Diagnostic?

This service is free and there is no charge for this blood sample collection service, book your appointment and avail the free blood sample collection facility at home.