
Blood Tests For Heart Blockage -Everything You Need To Know

Blood Tests For Heart Blockage -Everything You Need To Know

Heart blockage is a condition in which your organs and tissues are not able to get enough supply of oxygen due to the formation of plaque that causes the narrowing of the arteries due to the obstruction in the path of blood...

What is Heart Blockage?

Heart blockage is a condition in which your organs and tissues are not able to get enough supply of oxygen due to the formation of plaque that causes the narrowing of the arteries due to the obstruction in the path of blood flow, In severe conditions it can lead to heart attack and stroke. Blockage in the heart usually takes time to build up in the body but it gives an early sign that we need to pay attention, So let's discuss about some of the tests for heart blockage that we can do before the condition worsens.

What Are the Common Symptoms of Heart Blockage?

Heart blockage usually does not have any signs and symptoms but as the plaque forms minor  symptoms can be observed as a warning sign In severe conditions the symptoms that are usually observed are mentioned below these are:

  • Chest Pain Or Discomfort: One of the common signs of heart blockage is intense pain and unusual discomfort in the chest. if left untreated, can turn intense and radiate to the arms, jaw, back, or stomach. 
  • Unexplained Fatigue: The narrowing of arteries due to heart blockage can disrupt blood flow to the heart leading to tiredness or fatigue during any vigorous, and is again a sign that requires immediate medical attention and care
  • Shortness Of Breath: A heart blockage and several heart diseases can cause breath shortness. Thus, it should be taken into respect seriously on time to avoid severe medical conditions.-
  • Palpitations: Uneven or rapid heartbeat that can be felt as a racing sensation in the chest is another sign of a heart blockage or disorder associated with the heart.

For Whom A Blood Test For Heart Blockage is Recommended?

  • Individuals with a family history of heart disease or heart attack.
  • Individuals with inactive lifestyles and poor dietary habits.
  • People with a history of high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels.
  • Individuals who indulge in bad habits like smoking and drinking 
  • People who are overweight or obese

Different Blood Tests Available to Check for Heart Health

  • High-Sensitivity Troponin I and T-Test: High-sensitivity troponin I and T are proteins released into the blood during heart cell damage High-sensitivity troponin I and high-sensitivity troponin T blood tests help diagnose a heart attack or any other cardiac problems by noticing troponin levels in blood. Let's understand these tests in brief:
  • High-Sensitivity Troponin I Test: The test detects the level of cardiac troponin I, a protein mainly found in cardiac muscle cells, to diagnose heart and cardiovascular disease. the High Sensitivity Troponin I Test ensures early detection of even minor cardiac muscle damage or injury in the cardiac tissues and helps in effective management and treatment.
  • High Sensitivity Troponin T Test: The High Sensitivity Troponin T Test measures cardiac Troponin T, essential to analysing and assessing cardiac conditions as per the medical condition of a patient.
  • High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) Test: This test helps detect inflammation in the body as the higher the High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) levels, the higher your risk of heart disease it indicates. Hence, it is the most common blood test for heart blockage often referred by doctors and also recommended for checking your risk for coronary artery disease.
  • CK-MB Test: This is another type of blood test called as CK-MB Test which helps diagnose a heart attack or myocardial infarction. The test measures CK-MB levels in the blood helps confirm the heart attack and also gives detailed analysis while monitoring recovery.
  • Lipid Profile Test: This test is mainly during the heart blockage and it helps measure cholesterol & triglyceride levels in the blood, A Higher than normal range indicates a higher risk of heart disease. This test also monitors your levels and screens your risk for developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Lipoprotein (a) Test: Your doctor may suggest the Lp(a) Test for measuring Lipoprotein (A) levels in the blood to determine your risk of blood vessel diseases, evaluate overall heart health and specify prophylactic measures and remedies along with it.
  • NT-proBNP Test: This test is usually a part of the preventive heart screening, This test is highly suggested for diabetic patients to evaluate their risks of heart and cardiovascular disease at the earliest phase, when there is any kind of blockage or injury in the heart, it releases several proteins into the bloodstream, and NT-proBNP is one protein among them. This test helps measure their levels of NT-proBNP to detect heart diseases and determine the stringency of the condition and also helps us to know about the efficacy of the treatment
  • Homocysteine Test: The test measures Homocysteine in the body. Elevated Homocysteine levels usually indicate a higher risk of heart and cardiovascular disease disease.


Different Blood tests for heart blockage are available to assess and evaluate the heart condition and detect heart and cardiovascular disease in the earliest phase as earlier diagnosis helps you to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in the future, You can also book healthy heart package or Cardiac health package to assess your overall heart health to ensure well being