
Brain Clot: Conditions, Symptoms and Tests

Brain Clot: Conditions, Symptoms and Tests

This article will discuss the brain clot symptoms. We will also address some common questions related to brain clots.

Brain clot (cerebral thrombosis) occurs due to the formation of blood clots in the brain’s blood vessels which block blood flow to the brain. Generally, blood clots in the brain are formed due to several reasons like injuries, healthcare conditions and cerebral medications.

Here are some common conditions related to brain clot occurrence.


Brain clots and atherosclerosis are closely related because this is a leading cause of conditions like Ischemic stroke, which occurs when a blood clot blocks or narrows blood flow to the brain. In this condition, plaques are building on the inner walls of arteries. After some time these plaques will harden and narrow the arteries resulting in reduced blood flow and increased chances of clot formation. Thrombosis (Clot formation) in this condition plaques can rapture, exposing their content to the bloodstream

Clotting Disorders

Conditions that affect the body’s ability to clot blood. In these conditions, normal blood clotting is affected. A blood clot in the brain is a medical emergency that can lead to a stroke.


A chronic condition that can increase the risk of blood clotting, which can lead to ischemic stroke. Diabetes accelerates the process of atherosclerosis, increased fatty plaques building in the blood vessels of the brain leading to narrow or blocked arteries. In diabetes Platelets tend to stick together more easily, promoting blood clot formation. This can obstruct blood flow leading to stroke

Chronic Kidney Diseases 

CKD is closely related to an increased risk of brain clots. CKD often lead to a prothrombotic state, meaning blood is more prone to clotting, this occurs due to, Increased Levels of Clotting factors, Impaired fibrinolysis (clot breakdown reduced) and altered platelet formation.

Inflammatory bowel Diseases

Conditions like ulcerative colitis can increase the risk of blood clots

  • Injuries- Injuries are also a major condition leading to brain clots,
    • Head trauma, A head injury can cause bleeding in the brain which can lead to clot formation.
    • Bleeding between the Brain and skull, in this condition blood deposition occurs within the skull, presses the brain and leads to brain damage.
  • Sudden severe headache
    • A brain clot can cause a sudden and intense headache, which can be described as “the worst headache of life”.
    • This can occur due to increased pressure on the brain caused by restricted blood flow or swelling.
    • This headache will not respond to normal pain relief medications
  • Neurological symptoms, blood clot affects the blood supply in the brain, it lead to some neurological symptoms, depending on the part of the brain affected.
    • Weakness or paralysis on one side of the body (hemiparesis)
    • Severe condition, complete paralysis on one side of the body (hemiplegia)
  • Difficulty in speaking or understanding speech
    • Aphasia, difficulty in speaking and forming sentences
    • Understanding language will be difficult, leading to difficulty in understanding simple instructions.
    • Dysarthria, slurred or incoherent speech.
  • Confusion or difficulty in understanding surroundings
    • Memory lapse
    • Forgetting basic facts
    • Inability to focus
    • Confusion
  • Loss of consciousness
    • Blood clots that severely restrict the flow of blood to the brain can cause loss of consciousness.
  • Facial drooping
    • Facial asymmetry  drooping can be noticed on one side of the face
    • It will make selling or closing of eyes difficult
  • Dizziness or loss of balance
    • Ataxia,  difficulty in walking or maintaining balance
    • Vertigo, dizziness
  • Vision changes
    • Blurred vision/ loss of vision in one or both eyes
    • Diplopia, difficulty in focusing or double vision
  • Seizures
    • Brain clots can trigger seizures due to abnormal electrical activities
    • Seizures are common in  brain clots, leading to brain swelling or haemorrhage 
  • Nausea and vomiting
    • Increased pressure in the brain due to clots can cause vomiting and nausea in association with headache.
    • This sometimes needs immediate medical attention.
  • Abnormal swallowing 
    • Dysphagia, choking on food or liquids, due to trouble in swallowing 
    • Generally occurs when the clot affects the brain stem
  • Numbness
    • Numbness sensation in the limbs, like “pins and needles”
    • This often occurs on one side of the body depending on the part of the affected brain.
  • Reduced Alertness
    • Drowsiness or trouble staying awake
    • In severe conditions, the patient may slip into a coma
  • Emotional changes
    • Change in mood, personality and behaviour
    • Increased irritability, anxiety or depression

Brain Clot is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical attention to prevent severe damage, disability, or death. If you suspect a brain clot, either in yourself or someone else these steps should be taken. 

  • Recognize the symptoms
    • Look for the symptoms to provide timely treatment
  • Act FAST
    • Use the FAST method to identify and respond to brain clots (clots will lead to stroke-like symptoms)
      • Face, one side of the face drooping?
      • Arms, can a person raise both arms?
      • Speech, is a person's speech hard to understand or slurred?
      • Time, Timely treatment can be done if you contact emergency services immediately
  • Call for help
    • Call for emergency services (ambulance)
    • Don’t wait for symptoms to improve
  • Keep person comfortable
    • If the person is unconscious help them lie down safely and comfortably
  • Don’t self-medicate
    • Avoid giving the person food, water and medication

If you suspect a brain clot, act immediately, it can save lives and minimize long-term damage. Recovery is also dependent on timely intervention.

Which tests are used for the Diagnosis of Brain Clots?

The following tests are used for the detection of diseases and brain clots:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Brain Clot?

A brain clot (cerebral thrombosis) is the condition of forming blood clots in the brain vessels, which can result in blocked blood flow or less blood flow to brain cells for oxygen and nutrient supply.

What are the symptoms of Brain clots?

The symptoms of brain clots include headaches, vision problems, weakness, dizziness, confusion, loss of balance etc.

Which diseases are suggested by brain clots?

A brain clot can suggest or be a symptom of several diseases like stroke, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes etc.

How to book an online appointment for a Brain Clot test in Delhi?

Patients can call at 011-47-444-444 / 011-47-333-333 or visit Ganesh's diagnostic website to book an appointment for a Brain Clot test in Delhi.

How can Patients download Brain Clot Test Reports Online?

Patients can visit Ganesh's diagnostic website or call at 011-47-444-444 / 011-47-333-333 to download the Brain Clot test report online.

Which Ganesh Diagnostic Centre is near me in Delhi for the Brain Clot Tests?

Ganesh Diagnostic centres for Brain Clot tests are in Rohini, Nangloi, Model Town, Hari Nagar, Mangol Puri, and Yamuna Vihar.