
High Hemoglobin Count: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

High Hemoglobin Count: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

In this blog, we will discuss the effect of high haemoglobin count on our body and how we can improve the haemoglobin level naturally

A high haemoglobin level usually does not have any kind of symptoms but it may be associated with several other factors that may lead to increased haemoglobin count the symptoms due to a high haemoglobin count include Dizziness, headache, fatigue  etc are observed under severe conditions

CBC blood test can be done to diagnose the high haemoglobin count in the blood, the CBC test provides valuable info about the increased haemoglobin count in Red blood cells(RBC) and helps identify various disorders associated with it.

A high level of haemoglobin may be due to several factors like lifestyle changes, smoking, drinking or medical conditions that cause low haemoglobin in blood like heart failure and clotting disorders that may lead to increased haemoglobin count in the Red Blood Cells under certain conditions.

Symptoms of High Hemoglobin Count

Symptoms of High Hemoglobin Count

High haemoglobin level usually doesn't show any symptoms but under severe conditions, the symptoms include:

Complications Due to High Haemoglobin Levels Include

What Causes High Hemoglobin Levels?

What Causes High Hemoglobin Levels

Several lifestyle issues and medical conditions can lead to high haemoglobin level all factors may or may not hurt our health but through certain lifestyle modifications one can control the high haemoglobin level and get a normal blood haemoglobin level Now we will discuss about the causes of high haemoglobin level in blood


Lifestyle causes of increased haemoglobin levels include


During smoking the level of Carbon monoxide a harmful chemical that has a higher affinity for oxygen than haemoglobin and to compensate for this the body naturally increases the level of haemoglobin to counter the effect of increased carbon monoxide in the blood.


Sometimes dehydration may cause the haemoglobin level to increase due to a change in the amount of body fluid in blood and this may interfere with the result, Rehydration usually corrects the measurement.

High Altitudes

Low oxygen pressure in high altitudes leads to an increase in the Red blood cell count and thereby haemoglobin level this is a natural adaptation of the body to increase the body's oxygen delivery efficiency at high altitudes to compensate for low oxygen levels.

Medical Condition

Several medical conditions may lead to an increased level of haemoglobin in your blood depending upon the medical situation here are some of the conditions under which this may happen they are:

When to See a Doctor?

Observe the common symptoms like Dizziness, fatigue and if it is going severe look for a doctor and get proper suggestions from them they may guide you to go for a test for proper diagnosis and treatment, also look for the underlying cause of the condition that causes high haemoglobin level in blood.


The condition can be diagnosed by going for a complete blood count(CBC) test which is a part of routine blood checkups that check for the high hemoglobin level in the blood as well as the underlying cause responsible for that condition.

In the case of polycythemia vera therapeutic phlebotomy is done in which unit blood is removed at regular intervals of time to normalize the level of haemoglobin in the blood

Certain medications can help reduce the no of red blood cells in the body and may help to cure several conditions that arise due to high haemoglobin levels.

Diet Modifications

Adopt a good healthy balanced diet will help you to reduce the level of haemoglobin in the blood as the excess level of haemoglobin in blood may be due to several factors and through certain dietary modifications this problem can be solved and help out of the condition.

  • Avoid eating transfats and processed foods such as red meat, butter, cheese and some baked goods as they contain saturated fats that can increase cholesterol leading to abnormal haemoglobin levels.
  • Avoid eating foods that contain high sugar as it can lead to inflammation, obesity and other conditions that lead to heart disease

Include a healthy diet such as:

  • Fruit and veggies
  • Pulses and Whole grains 
  • Protein-rich food such as fish, lean meat, seafood, nuts etc.

Lifestyle Modification

Through certain lifestyle changes one can naturally lower the amount of hemoglobin in blood to its normal level here are some of the key factors that can help you to attain this:

  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and Do regular exercise for around 30 min this will help you to improve your metabolism, maintain the blood flow and help reduce the cholesterol level and detoxify your body
  • Get quality sleep as it helps you to maintain a healthy metabolism and also helps you to manage a healthy body weight and eliminate harmful toxins from your body.


As a high level of haemoglobin is not a matter of concern but Prevention is always better than the cure, So to prevent a high level of haemoglobin you may need to follow such things as:


An elevated level of haemoglobin level is not a matter of concern and usually does not cause any symptoms but under severe conditions, it may lead to blood clots and during certain diseases such as Kidney or liver disease if you have any frequent symptoms like dizziness, fatigue, tiredness immediately go for CBC test to check the underlying cause and get tested and treated well from the best diagnostic centre near you.


Is high haemoglobin level a matter of concern?

A high haemoglobin level usually does not have any symptoms but if the symptoms are severe and recurring immediately contact your doctor and get yourself tested.

Does Dehydration cause high haemoglobin?

Dehydration can lead to changes in the body's fluid level and may give false measurements during the report, So keep yourself hydrated before the test for better results.

What high level of Hemoglobin indicate?

A high level of haemoglobin indicates a chronic disease like kidney or liver disease or any kind of blood disorder like blood clotting or polycythemia etc immediately consult with your doctor and get treated.