
Thrombocytopenia: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Thrombocytopenia: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Let's discuss in this blog the disease caused due to low platelet count in blood and its effects symptoms, causes and treatment 

Thrombocytopenia is a type of platelet disorder in which the platelet count in the blood is low, platelets are the small tiny cells produced in the bone marrow and released when your body gets injured these platelets get stuck together resulting in the formation of blood clots that helps seals the wound, The normal platelet count ranges from 150,000-450,000  that is considered as a good healthy count requires during the blood clotting the platelet count below 150,000 is lower than normal count and it can lead to bleeding can happen inside the body, underneath the skin or from the surface of the skin, Thrombocytopenia can be life-threatening if there is heavy bleeding in the brain or any other body part, for this immediate medical attention is required, So we will discuss in this blog about the Thrombocytopenia symptoms, causes, its effects and treatment to control this condition.

Symptoms Associated With Thrombocytopenia

Symptoms Associated With Thrombocytopenia

Symptoms appear over time depending upon the medical condition of a patient and it also depends upon the type, Mild thrombocytopenia does not have severe effects on our body but in serious conditions it may cause problems.

Symptoms of low platelets count in the body include:

  • Long last bleeding even from small injuries.
  • Petechiae is a condition caused when small, flat red spots under the skin form due to blood leaking from blood vessels.
  • Purpura is observed when bleeding in your skin can cause red, purple, or brownish-yellow spots.
  • Gum bleeding or nosebleed.
  • Blood in your urine(Hematuria- a kidney disease) or stool appears as dark red or black
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding.

Causes of Thrombocytopenia

Thrombocytopenia can be inherited or acquired and diagnosed by either chromosomal analysis or blood test. “Inherited” condition means your family has a history of passing down genes to their descendants. “Acquired” means you develop the condition later due to abnormal bone marrow functioning or other and  Sometimes the cause of thrombocytopenia is not known.

Lower Platelet Count in the Body Can Be Due to the Following Reasons

Lower Platelet Count in the Body Can Be Due to the Following Reasons

  • Your body’s bone marrow enables you to make enough platelets.
  • Platelets are destroyed due to immune disorders like autoimmune diseases.
  • When Your spleen holds on to too many platelets that can cause a low level of platelets in the blood and if left untreated may lead to serious medical conditions.

Following factors can raise your risk of thrombocytopenia

  • Genetic: Thrombocytopenia can be inherited through your parents or if a person has a medical history of passing down the gene it may cause thrombocytopenia
  • Environment: Thrombocytopenia can be due to exposure to such as pesticides, arsenic, and benzene which can slow the production of platelets.
  • Lifestyle: Smoking and drinking alcohol may lead to increased risk of this condition as it affects platelet production and may lead to clotting and bleeding disorder. This is more common in people who have low levels of vitamin B12, or folate.
  • Medicines: Some medicines can slow the production of platelets by interfering with the platelet production or bone marrow. It may also lead to autoimmune conditions in some cases as it can confuse your body and cause it to destroy its platelets.

Other medical conditions: some other conditions may lead to a reduction in the platelets count here is a list of some of the medical conditions mentioned below:

  • Aplastic anaemia: Its rare, life-threatening anaemia occurs when the body does not make enough new blood cells. Its Causes include infections, certain medicines, autoimmune diseases and bad lifestyle habits.
  • Autoimmune diseases: Diseases such as immune thrombocytopenia lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis may lead to thrombocytopenia causing your immune system to attack and destroy your platelets due to an autoimmune reaction.
  • Blood cancer: Cancer such as leukaemia, can destroy blood stem cells in the bone marrow that aids in platelet production When stem cells are damaged, blood cell production is affected. Treatment such as radiation and chemotherapy, also destroy the stem cells
  • Blood clotting disorders: Disorders such as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), can cause your body to use up all your platelets. This can lead to a lower platelet count
  • Surgery: Platelets can be destroyed during blood transfusions and bypass surgery and machines and tubing used when they pass through artificial heart valves, blood vessel grafts, etc.

Diagnosis and Treatment


Diagnosis of thrombocytopenia includes a blood test or checking the medical history of a patient or if a person has a history of passing down the disease(Inherited)

Your healthcare provider may suggest the following blood tests.

  • Complete Blood count (CBC) test: This is a routine blood test that checks for the platelet count and other red blood cells. 
  • Blood smear: This test includes the microscopic examination of the blood smear under the microscope.
  • Bone marrow test: This test checks for the bone marrow condition if it is healthy.


First of all the symptoms of the condition are analysed and if the condition is confirmed through proper diagnosis the doctor will give you suggestions regarding how to cure the condition and minimise the risk factor in future here are some of the 

Treatment available depends on the medical condition of a patient it includes

Medication: There are different medicines available depending upon the type of medical condition that a person is facing it includes medicines such as,

  •  Corticosteroids like Prednisone  help control the lowering of the platelet   count in the body
  • Eltrombopag and romiplostim help your body make more platelets.
  • immunoglobulins and rituximab help stop your immune system from destroying your platelets

Platelets or blood transfusions: People with a heavy bleeding disorder or clotting disorders may undergo blood transfusions in which a needle is used to insert an intravenous line that transfers the healthy platelets into your blood vessels.

Splenectomy(Removal of the spleen): In severe conditions when your spleen overstores the platelets the spleen is removed which helps increase platelet count in blood possible complications include bleeding, infection and abnormal blood clots.


Thrombocytopenia is one of the severe conditions that have potentially harmful effects on our body if not treated early it may lead to bleeding or clotting disorders the lower platelet count in the body can be treated through special medicines, and surgery but first diagnose the condition through a blood test and get treated well by choosing the best diagnostic centre near you.


What are the preparation required for this test?

No special preparation is required you only need to give a blood sample collection for lab testing.

What can lead to a low platelet count?

The low platelet count is generally due to factors like 

  • Not enough platelets are produced in the bone marrow
  • Chemotherapy or radiation as a part of cancer treatment
  • Autoimmune disorder
  • Certain drugs or medicines