
Comprehensive Guide on Home Blood Sample Collection

Comprehensive Guide on Home Blood Sample Collection

Blood test is usually the first step towards the screening, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of various diseases, disorders or conditions affecting our body.

Home Blood Sample Collection:

Blood test is usually the first step towards the screening, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of various diseases, disorders or conditions affecting our body.

It has several advantages such as:

  • Rapid
  • Non-invasive
  • Almost painless
  • Cheap and affordable
  • Several parameters are evaluated using single sample.

Nowadays, we are so busy with work-life that we don’t have time to manage our health efficiently. Also going to a diagnostic lab for blood evaluation is not possible for everyone with hectic life schedules.

At-home blood sample collection allows you to monitor your health without going to a lab for sample collection. You can give your blood sample according to your scheduled day and time at home and even at workplace.

Advantages of Blood Home Sample Collection:

There are several advantages of at-home blood sample collection including:

  • Sample collection at your doorstep
  • No wastage of time
  • Cost-effective
  • Helps in easy and regular health monitoring.

What Diseases Can Be Diagnosed Using Blood Tests?

Blood tests serve as unique tool in initial screening and identification of many diseases and conditions such as:

  • Nutritional Anemia
  • Hemolytic Anemia
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Leucopenia
  • Diabetes 
  • Jaundice
  • Electrolyte imbalance
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Kidney dysfunction
  • Pancreatitis
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Clotting disorders
  • Hormonal imbalance such as:
    1. Hypothyroidism
    2. Hyperthyroidism.
  • Many infectious diseases including:
    1. Hepatitis
    2. HIV AIDS
    3. Syphilis 
    4. Malaria
    5. Dengue.

How to Prepare for Blood Test at Home?

Follow these simple steps if you need a blood test at home:

  • Book blood test at home: Schedule your blood test at home in a diagnostic lab to avail home blood sample collection.
  • Food: You can take your usual meals a night before the test.
  • Fasting: Some blood tests require an overnight fasting of 8-10 hours such as fasting blood sugar, OGTT, Lipid profile, LFT. However, some blood tests do not require fasting like antenatal profile test, ESR, CRP. 
  • Medications: Inform your doctor about all the drugs and supplements that you are currently taking. Certain drugs may alter the test results. Your doctor may advice some modifications before the test if required.
  • Exercise: Avoid strenuous exercise before the test as it may alter test results. 
  • Smoking:  Avoid smoking before the test as it may affect the test results.

Blood Home Sample Collection Procedure?

The procedure of blood home sample collection includes the following steps:

  • A phlebotomist will come at your home for blood sample collection according to the scheduled date and time.
  • All aseptic precautions will be taken before the procedure begins.  
  •  First a torniquet will be tied around your arm.
  • Then a cotton swab soaked with 70% alcohol is used to clean/disinfect the injection site before needle insertion.
  • Then a small needle will be inserted in the vein of your arm and required amount of blood is withdrawn from it and collected in a test tube. 
  • Then the needle is removed and an adhesive sticker is placed on the puncture site to prevent it from infections.
  • Sample is sent to laboratory for further processing and testing.

What Are Side Effects of Blood Home Sample Collection?

Blood home sample collection is a safe procedure with usually no side effects. However, some individuals may experience few side effects as mentioned below:

  • Pain at injection site.
  • Hematoma.
  • Multiple punctures to locate vein if veins are not easily accessible. 
  • Bleeding at puncture site, especially patients having bleeding or clotting disorders or those on anticoagulant therapy.
  • Infection at puncture site. 
  • Thrombophlebitis.

Is there any additional charge for blood home sample collection?

At Ganesh lab, we offer free home blood sample collection without any hidden charges. You have to pay only for the blood test.

Best diagnostic lab for blood home sample collection?

Ganesh lab (GDIC) is considered as the best diagnostic lab for blood home sample collection in Rohini, North-East Delhi. We have many branches in different locations of Delhi including Hari Nagar, Yamuna Vihar, Nangloi, Derawal Nagar and Mangol puri

Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging center (GDIC) is now considered one of the most popular diagnostic labs in Delhi as: 

  • We provide high standard quality services to our patients. 
  • Free blood home sample collection.
  • Well-trained technicians for home sample collection. 
  • We also offer facilities of online reporting.
  • Experience of 23+ years of services.
  • Our labs are NABH certified. 
  • Facility of latest cutting-edge technologies.
  • Highly Skilled Radiologists and Pathologists
  • Facility of emergency test services at night.
  • Genuine reporting and Patient satisfaction are our top priority. 
  • We offer seamless integration between diagnosis and treatment planning. 
  • Affordable Diagnostic lab with up to 50% discount on many tests. Currently, we are offering upto 50% discount on various types of blood tests.
  • We are open 24X7 and 365 days.
  • You can also avail free Consultation with our Pathologists & Radiologists regarding any blood test or imaging scans.
  • Free Ambulance services in Delhi, NCR.
  • Lakhs of satisfied customers.

We are open on SUNDAYS.