
Comprehensive Guide on Lipid Profile Test

Comprehensive Guide on Lipid Profile Test

Lipid Profile Tests is a group of blood tests that measure the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. It examines the amount of good and bad cholesterol and also the number of triglycerides in your blood. It is...

What Is the Lipid Profile Test?

Lipid Profile Tests is a group of blood tests that measure the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. It examines the amount of good and bad cholesterol and also the number of triglycerides in your blood. It is also known as a complete cholesterol test, lipid panel, lipid tests, cholesterol panels, and coronary risk panels.

Why Are Lipid Profile Tests Done?

The lipid profile tests are used to: 

  1. To determine the risk of the build-up of fatty deposits in arteries that can lead to narrowed or blocked arteries.
  2. To determine the significant risk factor for coronary artery disease.
  3. To screen for any heart issue or disease, particularly in persons with prominent risk factors such as genetic predisposition, obesity, diabetes, a sedentary lifestyle, tobacco and alcohol consumption habits, or over the age of 50.
  4. To determine the likelihood of developing heart disease and monitor the therapy of an existing heart condition.

The lipid profile tests include the mentioned below tests

  1. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL)
  2. Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL)
  3. High-density lipoproteins (HDL)
  4. Serum HDL Cholesterol  
  5. Total Cholesterol-to-HDL ratio
  6. Serum LDL Cholesterol
  7. LDL/HDL Ratio  

Who Needs To Have the Lipid Profile Test?

The individual should get a Lipid Profile Test if the following conditions are met:

In Adults:

  1. Male above the age of 45 or a female above the age of 50.
  2. Individuals who smoke.
  3. Individuals who are obese.
  4. Patients suffering from hypertension or diabetes.
  5. Family history of heart disease or diabetes.

Note: After the age of 65, the lipid test panel should be done every 1-2 years.

In Children:

Children may have high cholesterol level due to: Genetics or because of being overweight.

Normal Range of Lipid Profile Values


Normal lipid profile levels


Up to 200 mg/dL


Less than 150 mg/dL

HDL Cholesterol

40-60 mg/dL

LDL Cholesterol

Less than 100 mg/dL

VLDL Cholesterol

0-30 mg/dL

Calculation of HDL LDL and VLDL:

Friedewald's LDL-cholesterol - estimation formula to understand the serum lipid level

LDL-c = TC-[HDL-c + TG/k],

k = 5

Where, (LDL-c) is serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol

(TC): total cholesterol

(TG): triglycerides

(HDL-c): High density lipoprotein cholesterol

What is HbA1c test for cholesterol?

The HgbA1c (hemoglobin A1c)

A simple Blood Sugar test that indicates the average blood sugar level for an extended period of time, say (8-12 weeks).

This will measure your cholesterol as LDL “bad” cholesterol

The HDL “good” cholesterol, followed by the VLDL, the total cholesterol, and the triglycerides

Guidelines to follow before, during and after the test

Here are some guidelines an individual can refer to once they have decided to undergo Lipid Profile Test

The required documents needed for this test includes your valid government ID and an appropriate Doctor’s prescription.

Before the test

  1. Nothing Specific to prepare for the Lipid Profile Test in advance.
  2. Fasting: Overnight or 10-12 hour of fasting is required before the test is taken.

Otherwise, there are no specific directions before the test is done.

During the Test

When blood is drawn, it is called “venipuncture”

  1. At the test center, you would be requested to sit comfortably on the chair or even lie down on the cot.
  2. In case of long sleeve clothing, roll up sleeve of one end or remove the arm from the sleeve of the clothing.
  3. healthcare provider, or a technician/nurse, would tie band made of rubber tightly on your upper arm.
  4. Once an appropriate vein is found, a needle is inserted below the skin to take the sample.

A short sharp prick may be felt when needle puncture is made under the skin, to collect the blood sample.

After the test

  1. After the blood is withdrawn, the respective technician/ healthcare professional would withdraw the needle.
  2. Place pressure on puncture wound to stop the bleeding. A small bandage may also be put on the wound.
  3. You would be able to return on your usual routine immediately.

Test Conducted By Ganesh Diagnostic and Imagining Center and Cost of Lipid Profile Test in Delhi

In general, the costs of the Lipid Profile Test may vary as per the region and the facility.

So, it is highly recommended that the (Test near me) is carried out with utmost sincerity at trustworthy diagnostic centers like: Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre.

Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre is GDIC is a NABL Accredited Pathology lab in Delhi offering a wide range of lab testing services.

Here, we provide trained, skilled and experience professionals that assure patient safety and conduct the patient and the visitor with dignity and respect.

Open: All 7 days of the week (i.e.Sundays included)

This Test is usually received within 24 hours.

FAQ’s on Comprehensive Guide on Lipid Profile Test

What Is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol, (member of Lipid family) is defined as a waxy and fat-like material occurring naturally in the human body .It is produced inside the liver

Even though cholesterol is required by the body to function normally, too much of its quantity can prove to be fatal.

Where Is Lipid Present in the Body?

It is present lining of the cell inside the body, including: brain, along with liver, skin and intestines and also the heart.

What's the Difference between "Good" and "Bad" Cholesterol?

The HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol is called as "good" cholesterol. The HDL usually takes the up or removes the "bad," LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol from the blood where there is buildup of it, usually in the lining of the arteries in the body. 

LDL cholesterol is known as “bad” cholesterol as it leads to development the build up of the plaque on the walls of the arteries, increasing risk of cardiovascular disease.

Is Fasting Required for the Lipid Profile Test/Panel?

Yes, in most of the cases, you will have to fast for at least 10 to 12 hours before the lipid panel blood test.

Consumption of water is permitted but not food.

In exceptional cases, you may get a lipid panel test without fasting. Please consult your doctor before you undergo the test.

How Much Cholesterol Is Too Much?

Healthcare professionals would recommend the total cholesterol to stay below the value of 200 mg/dL. The breakdown is given below:

Total Cholesterol


Less than 200


200 - 239

Borderline high

240 and above


What Can I Do To Lower My Cholesterol Levels?

Here are some of the tips you could use to lower the cholesterol level:

  1. Eat Healthy food items, less fat
  2. Consume fresh fruits and vegetables
  3. Consume cereals, rice and bread made of whole grains
  4. Exercise regularly, at least 30 minutes daily
  5. Maintain BMI weight level

What Are the Other Common Names for a Lipid Panel?

  1. It is called a Lipid profile
  2. A Lipid test
  3. The Cholesterol panel
  4. The Coronary risk panel
  5. The Fasting lipid panel or the non-fasting lipid panel

Who Performs the Lipid Panel Blood Test?

The healthcare professional, also known as a phlebotomist generally performs the blood test.

The provider will then send these samples to the lab where in the medical laboratory; a scientist will prepare the samples for you and will perform the tests on machines called analyzers, to further analyze your results.

What Is the Rule for Lipid Profile Test?

Your healthcare professional would request you to fast before undergoing the lipid profile test. These samples are usually taken post 12-14 hours of overnight fasting.

This is done so that the results are more accurate. Water is permissible but please, avoid drinking any beverage such as coffee or tea.

You will receive your tests results within 24 hours at Ganesh Diagnostic and Imagining Center.

What Do the Results of a Lipid Panel Mean?

The blood test reports that are inclusive of the lipid panel blood test, usually will provide the subsequent information:

  • Name of the undertaken blood test.
  • The measurement of the blood tests according to the standard
  • The normal/healthy measurement range for the blood test.
  • It would also provide more Information that will  indicates either a normal or abnormal ( high or low values)

Note from Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Center

  • Early checkups are always better than delayed ones. Safety, precaution & care are depicted in the several health checkups at our center.
  • Here, at Ganesh Diagnostic and Imagining Center, we present simple & comprehensive health packages for any kind of testing to ensure the early prescribed treatment to safeguard your health.
  • So, visit us at the earliest to ensure good health and to maintain an active immune system.