
Endoscopy in Modern Medical Diagnosis and Imaging

Endoscopy in Modern Medical Diagnosis and Imaging

Medical science is evolving everyday, it is offering many technologies in the health care industry to diagnose many medical conditions. One such tool is Endoscopy, one tool which helps doctors to identify and monitor the...

Medical science is evolving everyday, it is offering many technologies in the health care industry to diagnose many medical conditions. One such tool is Endoscopy, one tool which helps doctors to identify and monitor the internal organs and tissues.

What is Endoscopy?

It is a procedure in which a thin tube with a camera will be inserted in your body from the natural openings to examine internal organs and tissues. This helps doctors to detect diseases, take biopsies and even perform minor surgeries.

Uses of Endoscopy

  • Diagnosis: It helps to detect ulcers, tumors, infection and internal bleeding. 
  • Surgery Assistance: It helps doctors in surgery assistance for precision.
  • Biopsy: Taking tissue samples for microscopic examination for detection of cancer and tumors.
  • Treatment: Removing gallstones, polyps and others helps doctors.

What is the procedure of endoscopy?

  • Patients may need to fast for several hours.
  • The endoscope will be inserted through the natural opening of your body like your mouth,nose.
  • The camera will provide the real time images.
  • If needed, small tools can be used for treatment.
  • Patients may feel mild discomfort, bloating or sore throat.
  • Your doctor will analyse the report and on the basis of it, your health provider will recommend the best for you.

Types of Endoscopy:

  • Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
  • Respiratory Endoscopy
  • Urinary tract Endoscopy
  • Gynecological Endoscopy
  • Ear, throat and nose Endoscopy
  • Neurological Endoscopy

Risk and Complications: 

The endoscopy is generally safe but might be some risks like -

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Reaction to sedation
  • Perforation

Benefits of Endoscopy:

  • Minimal invasive, no large incisions needed.
  • Most of the people come home at the same time, which means this test is a quick recovery. 
  • Real time imaging, which helps in accurate diagnosing.
  • It is a multi purpose tool. It can be used for treatment and diagnosis. 

Some endoscopes can be used with instruments that allow providers to:

  • Seal wounds.
  • Inject medicine.
  • Drain fluid.
  • Stop internal bleeding.
  • Remove damaged tissue or tumors.
  • Fix blockages or widen organs that are too narrow.


Endoscopy is marvellous in this modern world; it helps doctors to treat and diagnose diseases and infection. There’s no risk involved in this tool but this is just a minimal invasive technique. Whether it's detecting respiratory disorder, digestive disorder, or reproductive health, it is a useful tool to treat and diagnose. 

If you ever need an Endoscopic procedure consult at Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre for better results and a safe and hygienic environment.


Q. When should I know the result of Endoscopy?

Your doctors will let you know when to expect results. They may discuss reports with you the same day, or they may schedule a follow-up appointment to review results with you.

Q. What is the after care of endoscopy?

  • In most cases, you are kept under observation for just an hour or two.
  • If you have been given general anaesthetic, you are going to be monitored for longer.
  • ERCP, may require an overnight hospital stay to make sure all is well.
  • You need someone else to drive you home.

Q. What are the possible complications?

  • Perforation of an organ
  • Excessive bleeding (haemorrhage)
  • Infection

Q. Is Endoscopy painful?

During Endoscopy patients experience little or no pain during the procedure. Local anaesthesia is inserted to make you feel comfortable during the procedure.

Q. How long does this Endoscopy procedure take?

The Endoscopy takes around 15 to 60 minutes, it might be less and more depends on the procedure and patient health conditions.