
What is Fibroid Ultrasound Pregnancy

What is Fibroid Ultrasound Pregnancy

Uterine fibroids also known as leiomyoma or leiomyofibroma. It is benign tumour of smooth muscle cells. As the name suggests, it is composed of smooth muscle fibres and fibrous tissue. It is a hormone dependent tumour.

Uterine fibroids also known as leiomyoma or leiomyofibroma. It is benign tumour of smooth muscle cells. As the name suggests, it is composed of smooth muscle fibres and fibrous tissue. It is a hormone dependent tumour.

In pregnancy levels of estrogen and progesterone rises. This results in rapid growth of fibroids which may lead to many complications during pregnancy. Fibroids can be diagnosed in pregnancy with the help of ultrasound scans such as:

  1. TVS scan
  2. Transabdominal ultrasound scan
  3. Color doppler ultrasound scan that can demonstrate the blood flow to the fibroids.

Due to fibroids, the following complications can occur in pregnancy:

  1. Red degeneration of fibroids
  2. Malpresentation
  3. Increased chances of miscarriage
  4. Increased chances of abortion
  5. Bleeding
  6. Preterm labor
  7. Pelvic pain
  8. Postpartum haemorrhage
  9. Difficult labor
  10. Uterine inversion
  11. Infections during puerperal period etc.