
How to Get Rid of Cough Quickly at Home

How to Get Rid of Cough Quickly at Home

In the article, we will discuss cough, home remedies for cough and tests for cough causes.

Cough is a reflex action that performs an essential protective function for human airways and lungs.  Cough helps to clear the retained secretions and aspirated material predisposing to infection and respiratory compromise. However persistent cough is irritating and makes a person uncomfortable. So every individual wants to get quick relief from cough. There may be some other reasons for coughing like asthma, chest infection, difficulty in swallowing etc. Here we will discuss easy home remedies to get relief from cough quickly.

How to Get Rid of a Cough Quickly?

A person can get quick relief from the cough at home if he knows the medicinal value of the herbs and items present in the kitchen corners. Here is the list of items present at home, that help in quick relief of cough:


Honey is one of the best remedies for the cough as per research. It helps to cut the mucus production and can kill germs. As per research honey can be dextromethorphan, which is the common cough suppressor. Besides this honey contains all essential components which help in increasing the overall immunity of the person. It can be taken directly or mixed with lukewarm water.


Ginger has been used in traditional medicine for a long ago. Ginger contains compounds that help relieve the asthmatic or dry cough and tighten the airways. People use ginger with different drinks like tea, and water and in cooked meals to get benefits from it. Ginger with honey makes a good combination for cough relief.

Hot Drinks

Studies have shown that persons taking hot drinks or fluids help to soothe cough more than individuals taking the fluids at room temperature. It is more effective when the person is suffering from a cold or cough. Hot drinks may include tea, herbal tea, hot water, hot fruit juices etc.


Steam is another very effective home remedy for a cold or wet cough, which produces mucus or phlegm. To get the benefit of the stream, a person can use the bathroom and fill it with steam to get benefit or take the boiling water in a container and put some cloth over the head and open the container so that person can inhale the steam to get relief.


Herbs are the natural remedies for diseases if the person knows the type and application of herb. Herbs like thyme, ivy leaf, aniseed and marshmallow can be used with the cough syrup to get fast and best relief from the cough.

Tests Used to Diagnose the Cause of Cough

These are some of the common home remedies to get relief from cough quickly. If the cough persists continuously then the person needs medical attention. Doctors can prescribe the medications only after knowing the cause of the cough by suggesting the tests.

Here are some of the tests used to diagnose the cause of cough:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is cough?

Cough is a reflex action that performs an essential protective function for human airways and lungs.

What are the causes of cough?

There are two main causes of cough, i.e. irritants or allergens and medical conditions caused by infection or diseases.

What are the irritants or allergens of cough?

Irritants or allergens of cough may include smoke, smells, pollens, moulds, dust etc.

What are the medical conditions or diseases related to cough?

Medical conditions or diseases related to cough include viral infection, flu, bronchiolitis, Asthma, pneumonia, sinusitis etc.

Which are the best home remedies for cough?

The best home remedies for cough include honey, ginger, hot drinks, streams and herbs.

What are the different tests used to diagnose the cause of cough?

Different types of tests used for the diagnosis of cough include X-Ray Chest Scan, Chest CT Scan, MRI Chest Scan, Blood Test, Sputum Culture, Sensitivity Test, Bronchoscopy etc.