In this article, we will discuss Mango's health benefits. We will also discuss some common questions related to Mango.
Mango is a tropical region oblong fruit with a hard central stone and yellow juicy skin. The botanical name of the tree is Magnifera indica and belongs to the cashew family. Mango is considered the king of fruits due to its delicious taste and juicy skin. There are various varieties of the mango and one thing that is common in all mangoes is the juicy and irresistible taste.
What are the Health Benefits of Mango?
Mango is a fruit that can be used for nutritional and medicinal purposes. There are various benefits of Mango:
Good For Heart Health
Mangoes are full of magnesium and potassium which are helpful in blood flow. The components also lower blood pressure and maintain good heart health. The presence of mangiferin in the mango helps to reduce heart inflammation and promotes a healthy heart.
Good for Skin Health
Mangoes contain a good amount of vitamin C, which helps in collagen production. Collagen is the protein that helps to keep the skin firm and plump. Mango contains a good amount of antioxidants that help detoxify the body and purify the blood. Which prevents sun damage and premature ageing of the person.
Good for Gut and Heartburns
Mango has a good amount of fibre, which helps to improve bowel movement. This helps to prevent the constipation and digestive disorders. The antiacid property of mango also aids in preventing the acidity of the stomach leading to heartburn or other digestive system-related issues. This also enhances to improves nutrient absorption through the intestines.
Immunity Booster
Mango contains natural substances that are good for immunity. Consuming Mango regularly can help boost the immune system as the presence of micro and macronutrients with vitamin A with folate makes it a superfood. Mango helps to fight against the infection and the seasonal flu by boosting immunity and providing essential nutrients for the normal functioning of the body.
Mango has high fibre content and this helps in aiding weight management. Mango fibres make the stomach full for a longer time and limit the urge to eat. This is helpful for obese people to consume less diet. Mangoes diminish your hunger and this helps to a large extent to limit fatty and heavy food.
Other Benefits of Mango
- Cancer prevention.
- Helps in Wound Healing.
- Good hair and nails.
- Blood pressure control.
- Control Cholesterol etc.
Mango is considered the king of fruits due to its taste and juicy pulp. It is a tropical region fruit with having hard central stone. The tree belongs to the cashew family having the botanical name Manigera indicia. There are various varieties of mango and all have good benefits of health. Some health benefits of the mano include good for gut health, good for skin, heart health, weight management, immunity etc.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
What is Mango?
Mango is considered the king of fruits due to its taste and juicy pulp. It is a tropical region fruit with having hard central stone.
What are the Health Benefits of Mango?
Health Benefits of Mango include heart health, boosting immunity, maintaining weight, preventing certain cancers etc.
Can I take Mango during my diabetes?
Yes, you can take Mango during diabetes but in moderation, Mango has a natural tendency to regulate blood sugar and is rich in fibres.
Does Mango expire?
Natural Mango at room temperature can have a shelf life of 2 to 3 days. Other forms of Mango can have different expiry dates depending on the packaging.
Can we feed babies with Mango?
Yes, we can feed older babies and adults with Mango for more than 6 months. Babies should be given Mango in diluted form and small amounts.
Can I take Mango with medications?
Mango can tend to interact with medications. It is important to consult a doctor before taking Mango with medication.
How to Consume Mango?
Mango can be consumed in various ways including raw, in juice form, pickles etc.