
Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV): Symptoms, Causes, Tests and Preventive Measures

Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV): Symptoms, Causes, Tests and Preventive Measures

In this article, we will discuss HMPV, its symptoms and causes and tests. We will also discuss some common questions related to HMPV.

Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a recently identified member of the virus that was first identified in 2001 in the Netherlands by investigators. This member of the family of viruses also includes respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza virus. HMPV virus usually has similar symptoms to a cold or chest infection like cough, wheezing, running nose, sore throat etc. People over 65 years of age and children are at the highest risk of viral disease because of weak immune systems

What is HMPV?

HMPV is the short form of Human metapneumovirus, which causes similar symptoms of common colds like sore throat, runny nose, cough, wheezing etc. The virus infects the lower respiratory system of the person and can cause asthma, pneumonia, worsens COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). HMPV infection commonly occurs in winter and during the early spring season. HMPV infection resembles symptoms resembles with the common symptoms of a chest infection but is more severe and deadly with time.

What Are the Symptoms of HMPV?

HMPV viral disease infection can infect children and old people more because children have not fully developed immune systems and old age people have weak immune systems. Here is the list of HMPV symptoms:

  • Persistent cough.
  • Fever, mild to moderate.
  • Runny nose.
  • Fatigue and body aches.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Wheezing.
  • Rash.
  • Dehydration in the case of infants.

What is the Cause of HMPV?

HMPV is caused by a virus (Human metapneumovirus) belonging to the Pneumoviridae family that causes respiratory diseases. HMPV is caused by the same group of viruses which causes measles, mumps and respiratory syncytial viral disease. A small pathogen that uses the cells of a patient to make more copies of itself leads to the HMPV condition.

How Does HMPV Spread?

HMPV can spread very fast and is highly contagious, here are some common modes of viral spread:

  • Direct contact: A person coming in direct contact with the virus by touching, kissing hugging, or hand-shaking the infected person.
  • Through Droplets: When a person comes in contact with the droplets in the air by the sneezing or coughing of infected persons.
  • Infected Surfaces: A person touching the infected surfaces carrying the virus like door knobs, handles, mobile phones, etc.
  • Suspended particles in the air: Places with huge crowds and poor ventilation keep the virus suspended in the air and make it more vulnerable to getting the disease.

Which Tests Are Used to Detect HMPV?

The symptoms of the HMPV disease resemble the other common chest infections. But the condition can get worse with time and leads to serious chest diseases like asthma, COPD, pneumonia etc. Here is the list of tests that can be used to detect the HMPV:

How to Prevent HMPV Spread?

There is no vaccine currently available for the disease, so it is important to adopt preventive measures to restrict the spread. Here are some common preventive measures which can help to prevent the spread.

  • Maintain Good Hygiene: Hand hands regularly with soaps and alcohol-based sanitisers.
  • Maintain Distance: Keep distance from the infected person and adopt social distancing measures.
  • Disinfection: Regularly disinfect the surfaces you touch the most or suspected surfaces of viruses.
  • Always wear a Mask: Wear a mask when going outside and keep yourself away from crowded places.
  • Isolate the person with HMPV symptoms: The symptoms are similar to chest infection, a person having such symptoms should be isolated to control the spread.


HMPV is the short form of Human metapneumovirus, which causes similar symptoms of common colds like sore throat, runny nose, cough, wheezing etc. The virus infects the lower respiratory system of the person and can cause asthma, pneumonia, worsens COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). HMPV infection commonly occurs in winter and during the early spring season. Symptoms of HMPV include cough, shortness of breath, sneezing, fever, runny nose, rash etc. There is no vaccine available for the disease so preventive measures are the only option to stop the spread. There are various tests used for the detection of the condition like chest X-rays, bronchoscopy, antigen tests etc.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is HMPV?

HMPV is the short form of Human metapneumovirus, which causes the disease and has similar symptoms to common chest infections like sore throat, runny nose, cough, wheezing etc.

What are the different Symptoms of HMPV?

There are various symptoms of HMPV like Persistent cough, fever, runny nose, fatigue, shortness of breath, wheezing, body aches etc.

Who is at the highest risk of HMPV?

Children below 5 years and persons aged above 65 are at the highest risk of HMPV because of weak immune systems.

Which test is used for HMPV Diagnosis?

Various tests used for the diagnosis of HMPV include chest X-ray, bronchoscopy, HMPV PCR Tests and Rapid Antigen Tests.

Where did HMPV originate from?

HMPV is believed to have originated from birds before being adapted to infect humans.  

Which medicines can be used for HMPV?

There is no medicine available for HMPV, however, oxygen therapy and IV fluids can be given in case of breathing and dehydration conditions.

What is the ICD-10 code for HMPV being the cause of Disease?

The ICD-10 code for HMPV being the cause of Disease B97.81

How to book an appointment for a HMPV Test in Delhi?

Patients can visit Ganesh's diagnostic website or call at 011-47-444-444 / 011-47-333-333 to book an appointment for any HMPV test in Delhi.