
How to Check Depression at Home? Self-Treatment Approaches for Depression

How to Check Depression at Home? Self-Treatment Approaches for Depression

How do I know that I am depressed? How to get cured of depression without telling anybody that I am depressed? We will discuss the symptoms and home remedies of depression through his blog.

Depressive disorder or depression is a mental state where you might not feel like doing anything the whole day, you will lose interest in everything, and you won't go out or talk to anybody. Depression is different from normal mood changes, depression persists and affects your relationships, professional life, and interest and behavior in all aspects of life. Anyone can have depression at any stage while, whether it is work-induced or other factors. Depression can be triggered when you have lived through abuse, traumatic experiences, or other stressful events. Men are less likely to have depression than women.

How to Know I Have Depression Myself?

Depression can represent complex symptoms that may vary from person to person. Depression may make you sad, hopeless, and non-interested in anything for months or years.

symptoms of depression

The psychological symptoms of depression:

  • Being continuously in a low mood
  • Feeling of sadness that doesn't go away
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Feeling helpless
  • Feeling guilty 
  • Not being able to maintain self-esteem
  • Feeling like crying 
  • feeling irritable 
  • Not being intolerant of others
  • Getting no motivation or interest in anything
  • Not being able to make decisions
  • Not enjoying your life
  • Constant feeling of anxiety and worry
  • Getting suicidal thoughts and self harming thought

Physical symptoms of depression:

  • Making slow movements
  • Speaking in a low tone than usual
  • Sudden appetite change 
  • Unanticipated weight changes (usually decreased, but sometimes increased)
  • Unexplained pain and ache
  • Feeling lethargic
  • Libido decreased 
  • Sleep disturbances

Social symptoms of depression:

  • Trying to avoid staying in contact with friends
  • Not taking part in any social activities
  • Not following your hobbies and interests
  • Facing difficulties at home, or work. 

Severities of Depression

Depression is usually unnoticeable as it comes on gradually. Depression is often taboo’ed and people try to cope without even realising that they are not well. Friends and family are the first to notice changes.

Depression is usually classified as mild, moderate, and severe on the basis of:

  • The frequency and severity of getting the symptoms.
  • The duration of depression symptoms. 
  • The impact depression is creating on your life.

Symptoms of psychosis are also seen in a few people with depression.

The severity and symptoms of depression are judged as the doctor puts you through questionnaires and talks. 

Grief and depression

Grief and depression are often confused as their symptoms often overlap. Depression is considered a mental state or on the illness side, but grief is a response to loss that is entirely a natural response. People having grief might represent short-term symptoms of depression but the symptoms of depression per se last longer.

Feeling sad along with getting the symptoms of depression can accompany grieving but with grief the symptoms of psychosis, suicidal thoughts, feeling hopeless or guilt-ridden are usually come less.

Other types of depression

The different types of depression:

  • Postpartum depression (Postnatal Depression) – Postnatal depression usually presents after having a newborn baby. It is usually treated same as other types of depression. Treating therapies can be antidepressant medications and talking therapies 
  • Bipolar depression or manic depression – In bipolar disorder depression, you might get spells of both depression and excessive mood swings (mania); the bouts of mania can often prove to be harmful, and may make you get involved in gambling, g having unsafe sex, and going on spending sprees. 
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or winter depression – It is a seasonal type of depression that is seen usually in winter.
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) – It is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). it usually shows symptoms of depression before periods.

Tips to Get out of Depression Without Medical Help

Get out of Depression Without Medical Help

1. Exercise

While knowing the cause of depression is often difficult to determine, exercise is considered a great mood booster. Researches has shown the benefit of exercising or doing yoga for at least 30 minutes in escalating mood. Exercise has been shown to stimulate your heart rate, and mental state which in turn helps in both physical and mental benefits. Better than that, it’s something you can do anywhere. You should incorporate walking, gyming, bike riding, or dancing in your routine that can help improve the signs and symptoms of depression. 

2. Light Therapy

Another great way to deal with moderate depression naturally is light therapy. Seasonal affective disorders (SAD) often benefit from light exposure. Light often increases the serotonin levels that regulate your mood. Lightbox or visor is an alternative to natural vitamin D. Light exposure of half an hour a day can alleviate symptoms of depression significantly. Vitamin D supplements are also some alternatives for light therapy but you should first consult your doctor before starting any supplements.

3. Healthy Diet

Consuming a healthy diet and avoiding more quantities of sugar, processed foods, and unhealthy food can help cope with the symptoms of depression:

  • Eating less sweets help maintain your sugar levels in blood and help improve your mood.
  • Get enough vitamin B12 can increase production of dopamine and serotonin. Vitamine-B 12 can be taken through natural sources like cheese, milk, and green leafy vegetables, etc.
  • Increasing your magnesium can also help increase your serotonin levels. Whole grains, legumes, and nuts are a great source of magnesium.
  • Limiting alcohol can help decrease and manage anxiety and depression.

4. Meditate 

An ancient way to cope with depression is meditation. That can help with mental health conditions like anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression. Meditation can help calm your mind, mood and improves your ability to manage your depression. Additionally,  mindfulness-based cognitive therapy are proved to prevent relapse of depressive episodes.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep disorders can often cause depression. Keeping an effort to establish and stick to a healthy sleep schedule can help improve the symptoms of depression and help improve the lifestyle. 

How Ganesh Diagnostics Can Hep You Diagnosing Depression

Ganesh Diagnostics holds an edge in having in horse free doctor consultations from doctor 

Dr. Ravin Sharma

MBBS, MD Radiology 

Depression can be caused by certain vitamin or mineral deficiencies that might be silently affecting your health and lifestyle. Comprehensive health checkups can help you rule out any medical cause reflecting depression. Such as:


Depression is a mental state where a person loses his/her interest in every aspect of his life, making him feel clueless and hopeless about life which can lead to suicidal and self-harming thoughts. Getting a timely diagnosis of depression plays a crucial role in planning the treatment approach. Ganesh Diagnostics can help you find the underlying medical cause of depression if any.