
How to Decrease My Cholesterol Level

How to Decrease My Cholesterol Level

In this article we’ll get to know about what cholesterol is and what are the effective ways of reducing the cholesterol level in a blood.

Our blood contains cholesterol, a waxy, fatty material that is created by our liver naturally. our body needs cholesterol for a variety of purposes such as production of hormones, vitaminD etc , but high level of cholesterol in a blood can cause complications .The risk of cardiovascular disease and other health illness increases with the high cholesterol level, therefore it is very important to manage our cholesterol level in a body

Effective ways to reduce your cholesterol level

Eat heart healthy foods 

  • Dietary modifications is the best thing you can do for your body if you have a high cholesterol level. Avoid eating saturated fats such as red meat and full fat dairy materials because it aids in the level of bad (LDL) cholesterol in the blood.
  • omega-3 fatty acids help in lowering the triglycerides level. They also help in  lowering the  blood pressure, which is another heart-healthy effect. Examples of food containing omega-3 fatty acids are walnuts, flaxseeds, salmon, mackerel, and herring.
  • Increase the fibre intake in your diet as it helps in lowering the cholesterol level in blood

Regular physical exercise

The "good" cholesterol known as high-density lipoprotein, or HDL, can be increased with moderate physical exercise. Increasing your physical activity can aid in weight loss. Maintaining a healthy weight is very important for people who have a high cholesterol level 

Lose weight 

Even a little extra weight can aid in the high level of cholesterol.you should always watch your calorie intake. If you are craving something sweet, consider taking low-fat candies 

Try to find methods to walk more during the day, including parking further away from your office or using the stairs rather than the elevator. During your work breaks, go for walks. Make an effort to perform more standing tasks, including cleaning the yard or cooking.these ways can help in losing the weight.

Quit smoking

Quitting smoking can helps in reducing the cholesterol level in a blood and it helps in improving the HDL cholesterol level which is the good cholesterol

limit alcohol consumption

Alcohol consumption has no health advantages. Alcohol has little nutritional value. It is not essential or advised to include alcohol in a heart-healthy diet. Healthy women and men who choose to drink should limit their intake to no more than 10 standard drinks per week and no more than three standard drinks on any given day in order to lower their risk of alcohol-related harm.


It is not possible to manage your cholesterol level every time with just lifestyle modification and dietary changes. Lifestyle modification is useful only when your high cholesterol level is detected in the early stages. This is why regular health checkup and cholesterol testing is important in ruling out the risk of developing an illness. If you get to know about the high cholesterol level quite late, then you may need medicines to lower your cholesterol. In such situations, take your medicines regularly and also practise lifestyle modification .

Measuring cholesterol levels in time is critical to know the status, identify problems and take charge of the condition before things turn severe. So, if you are looking for a reliable diagnostic partner to book a Cholesterol Blood Test, ganesh diagnostic centre is a reliable name that you can trust. We promise a reliable diagnostic experience at competitive market prices. So, ditch the guessing game and book diagnosis for accurate screening.

For free consultation click here

Frequently asked questions

What is cholesterol

Cholesterol is a waxy fatty material which is responsible for the various functions such as maintaining the integrity of cell membrane , production of hormones , vitaminD etc

Where can i book a cholesterol test near me 

You can type a cholesterol test in google and search for your nearest location or click here for consultation.

What is the meaning of eat heart healthy 

Eat heart healthy means that you should eat foods which are beneficial for your heart such as fibre, omega 3 fatty acids , oats etc and avoid eating food which can harm your heart health such a excess eating of red meat, full fat dairy products etc.

What is the cost of cholesterol test in delhi

The average cost of cholesterol test in delhi is around Rs 100-200 the price may vary based on the location. You can book this test at ganesh diagnostic centre at an discount upto 50% off 

What are the examples of high fibre diet

oats , pears, apples, avocados are the few examples of foods rich in fibre.

Can i book cholesterol test at home

Yes, cholesterol blood test at home is available with ganesh diagnostic centre , without any hidden charges 

When can i get by cholesterol blood test report

You can get you cholesterol blood test report within 24 hrs

Why regular cholesterol testing is important

Regular monitoring of cholesterol level help in identifying the risk of high cholesterol level early and better management can be done.