
Hypercalcemia: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Management and Treatment

Hypercalcemia: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Management and Treatment

In this blog we will read about the condition caused due to high calcium levels i.e Hypercalcemia.

Hypercalcemia is caused when there is too much calcium in the blood due to malabsorption or any other factors, too much calcium in blood can weaken our bones increase the risk of osteoporosis, and also affect the heart and brain.

Hypercalcemia often happens when the parathyroid gland releases too much hormone in the blood, hypercalcemia can also lead to cancer, Taking too much calcium and vitamin D can also lead to Hypercalcemia.

What is Hypercalcemia?

Hypercalcemia is the condition when there is excess calcium in the blood and Primary Hyperparathyroidism usually causes it, Hypercalcemia may be mild, acute or chronic(Lifelong)

Calcium is one of the important minerals that helps strengthen our bones and also helps in regulating the metabolism essential for the normal functioning of the body, Calcium in the body helps

Two Hormones called Parathyroid hormone and calcitonin help regulate the calcium level in your blood and bones, Vitamin D also helps in controlling the calcium level and helps absorb calcium from the food you eat to maintain the good calcium level in your blood.

Your body carefully controls the calcium level but certain medications and conditions can lead to hypercalcemia.

Symptoms of Hypercalcemia

Hypercalcemia usually doesn't have any symptoms and can be treated if screened and diagnosed in the early phase but Severe and chronic Hypercalcemia may have symptoms including:

Symptoms of Hypercalcemia

Causes of Hypercalcemia

More than 25 different diseases, some medications even dehydration can lead to Hypercalcemia and some cancers are also related to increased calcium levels in the blood, Primary Hyperthyroidism can also lead to hypercalcemia in which one of the four thyroid glands leads to excess release of hormone leads to elevated levels of calcium in the blood causing hypercalcemia.

Cancers That Can Cause Hypercalcemia

Hypercalcemia is also associated with cancers approx 2% of cancer cases are responsible for hypercalcemia worldwide the cancers related to hypercalcemia include (Hypercalcemia related Malignancy) Certain types of cancer that can cause hypercalcemia are:

Medications That Can Lead to Hypercalcemia

Certain medications are also responsible for Hypercalcemic conditions in our body this includes

  • Hydrochlorothiazide and other thiazide diuretics (prescribed for high blood pressure and oedema).
  • Lithium.
  • Excessive intake of vitamin D, vitamin A or calcium supplements.

Taking too much calcium carbonate is one of the more common temporary causes of hypercalcemia.

Other Causes of Hypercalcemia

Diagnosis and Test

Hypercalcemia can be diagnosed by having routine blood tests that include a Comprehensive metabolic panel or basic metabolic panel which includes a calcium blood test this helps the healthcare provider to detect the abnormal calcium level in the body

Calcium Normal Range

The normal range for different hypercalcemic conditions is given in the tabulated form below


Biological reference(Mg/dl)

Mild Hypercalcemia

10.5 to 11.9

Moderate Hypercalcemia

12.0 to 13.9 

Chronic(Hypercalcemic crisis)

14.0 to 16.0 

Test Available to Diagnose This Condition

If Hyperparathyroidism is causing Hypercalcemia your provider may likely recommend an imaging test to check for the presence of any outgrowth and the size of the parathyroid gland Different imaging tests for this purpose include:

Management and Treatment of Hypercalcemia

Management and Treatment of Hypercalcemia

Hypercalcemia can be managed through certain dietary and lifestyle modifications that can naturally lower the calcium level in the blood and prevent various diseases associated with hypercalcemia, Some of the lifestyle and dietary modifications include

  • Regular exercise: Do regular exercise as it helps in maintaining the calcium balance, improves metabolism and kidney functioning and helps reduce the buildup of excess calcium levels. Regularly do exercises like brisk walking, aerobic exercise or swimming which help keep your kidney and heart healthy and improve overall health.
  • Weight Management: Keep yourself active and avoid a sedentary lifestyle, eat a low calcium-rich diet that prevents calcium from increasing and has a positive effect on your heart health, so include such foods in your diet that help in normalizing calcium levels and help maintain body weight.
  • Avoid a calcium-rich diet: If you have hypercalcemia avoid a diet that has a high content of calcium this includes processed foods, nuts, soda, beans, lentils, dairy products like (cheese and milk) and some whole grains like wheat, oats, rice etc.
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol consumption: Avoid bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol and consuming tobacco as it may elevate calcium level levels and increase the chances of calcium deficiency disorders.

Choose the Top Diagnostic Centre in Delhi

Ganesh Diagnostic is one of the most reputed and reputed diagnostic centres located in Delhi which provides a 24*7*365-day facility, all the test results here are 100% accurate so that patients get the best and right treatment to recover easily. Avail of the online appointment opportunity now.

We also provide free blood sample collection and cholesterol tests at home. Get tested at the best diagnostic centre with Ganesh Diagnostics.

A note from Ganesh Diagnostics:

hypercalcemia is a potentially dangerous condition that has severe effects on our bodies as high levels of calcium in our body can increase the chances of chronic diseases like osteoporosis, osteopenia and rickets to avoid this adopt a good healthy lifestyle that can naturally lower your calcium level and if you want to know your calcium level gets tested and treated well from the top diagnostic centre near you.


What can I expect during hypercalcemia?

You can adopt a good and healthy lifestyle that naturally lowers your calcium level and in other conditions, you may take certain medications that lower calcium levels take suggestions from your doctor and get treated well

What are the effects of hypercalcemia?

This condition can increase the risk of osteoporosis which leads to the weakening of bone, Osteopenia, brain and heart disease if not diagnosed and treated early, Improving your lifestyle will help manage this condition.

How to manage hypercalcemia?

  • Regular Exercise.
  • Stop smoking and drinking.
  • Get quality sleep.
  • Manage your stress level.
  • Eat a low-calcium-rich diet.
  • Maintain healthy body weight.