
Know All About The Level 2 Ultrasound Test

Know All About The Level 2 Ultrasound Test

A level II ultrasound, also known as a fetal anatomical survey, should be performed on almost all pregnant women. It works in the same way as a standard ultrasound but provides more detailed information.

Why Does A Pregnant Woman Require A Level 2 Ultrasound?

If your doctor has any concerns or notices anything unusual during the level II ultrasound, you will be given a consultation to ensure that you understand the complications and potential risks. Your doctor may then tell you to undergo extra tests and see a Northwell maternal medicine specialist for cutting-edge high-risk pregnancy treatment.

Some Fascinating Facts About Level 2 Ultrasound During Pregnancy:

1. The Level-2 Ultrasound technique is safe and secure, and if a lady is advised to have it, there is no need to be concerned because it is only recommended as an extra precaution.

2. The age limit is on or above 35 because this age makes pregnancy more delicate, so a doctor takes extra care and effort in this situation. A doctor may recommend Level-2 Ultrasound in these cases.

3. Level-2 ultrasound is used to monitor the outcome and resolve it as soon as possible, particularly if there is a family history or hereditary problem. As a result, the most important thing for a pregnant woman and her family to focus on is staying healthy during pregnancy.

4. Level-2 ultrasound is used to monitor the outcome and resolve it as soon as possible, particularly if there is a family history or hereditary problem. As a result, the most important thing for a pregnant woman and her family to focus on is eating right during pregnancy.

What Level Two Ultrasound assessments are done during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, Level Two Ultrasound is used to obtain images of a baby from head to toe as well as images of the baby's small organs inside the womb. This technique also looks at the number of fingers, arm length, bone radius, and the structure of the brain, heart, and kidneys. To examine the umbilical cord, which has two arteries and a vein and is thought to be a normal umbilical cord structure. This method is also used to examine and investigate umbilical cord factors such as length and amniotic fluid level.

Heart defects, trisomy 13, trisomy 18, and Down syndrome are among the other factors considered. A couple and their family must exercise extreme caution and focus on their health at this time.


What is Level 2 ultrasound Test?

A Level 2 ultrasound is a type of ultrasound that is performed on women to monitor fetal development.

This image diagnostics test, also known as a fetal anomaly scan and a second-trimester anomaly scan, is performed between 18 and 23 weeks of pregnancy to determine whether or not the baby is developing normally.

The Level 2 ultrasound examines the fetus vital organs, including:

Spine Kidneys Heart Limbs Brain Face Spine Bowel

What happens at a level 2 ultrasound?

Your doctor will examine your baby's organs, brain, umbilical cord, gender, and other details during the level II ultrasound. Your amniotic fluid level, as well as your baby's heart rate and size, will be measured birth defects can also be detected during the test.

What is the best week for a level 2 ultrasound?

How Frequently the Test Is Performed During Your Pregnancy. Many women have a level II ultrasound between the ages of 18 and 20 weeks.

What is the duration of a Level 2 ultrasound?

Set your seat for the show: The detailed level 2 scan can take 30 to 45 minutes. The remaining information will be reviewed by the perinatologist and your practitioner, and you will most likely be given one or two sonogram images.

How should I get ready for my second ultrasound?

90 minutes before the exam, empty your bladder, then drink one 8-ounce glass of fluid (water, milk, coffee, etc.) an hour before the exam. Wearing a two-piece outfit allows us to access your abdomen without you having to remove your clothing. Before the fetal ultrasound, you can eat normally.


Level-2 Ultrasound is completely safe and generates no radiation. In addition, diagnosing the patient takes very little time. Because overexposure to ultrasound is harmful, a doctor creates a cycle for ultrasound treatment only when it is necessary, as overexposure to ultrasound is harmful.

However, the entire purpose of Level-2 Ultrasound is to reduce stress and tension between couples or the stress level of the pregnant woman, so as an experienced doctor, I assure you that you are free to ask any question about ultrasound as talking will help you clear your doubts for better treatment.