
Know Your Heart Attack with Troponin T

Know Your Heart Attack with Troponin T

In this blog we’ll get to know about the troponin protein and its role in heart attack, we’ll also discuss on the treatment and causes of high troponin level and how can we prevent the heart disease.

Heart is one of the most important organs of our body. It is used to pump blood around the body, it continuously pumps oxygen and nutrient rich blood throughout the body.

Cardiovascular disease such as heart attack is very common in today's world.and keeping a track of your heart health is important

What is troponin T test ?

Troponin T is a protein which is generally found in the heart muscles normally the level of troponin T in a blood is low but any injury or damage  to the heart muscles leads to increase in their levels in the blood. 

Troponin T test is generally used for the diagnosis of heart damage especially in heart attack. Heart attack is a condition in which the blood flow to the heart muscles is decreased or blocked therefore oxygen supply to the heart muscles is also decreased and without the oxygen heart muscle cells die and release troponin.

What is the normal range of troponin T ?

The troponin T normal range is 0–0.04 ng/ml.

What are the causes of high troponin T level ?

Elevated level of troponin T in the blood indicates heart damage. The reasons of high troponin T level includes:

Other factors which cause increase in the level of troponin T

  • Atherosclerosis 
  • Heart surgery
  • Cardiac procedures
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Aortic valve disease 
  • Arrhythmia

What happens when troponin T levels are high ?

If the troponin T levels in a blood is high the person may feel the following symptoms.

  • Pain in the neck , arm, jaw and back
  • Shortness of breath
  • Excessive sweating
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea 

Treatment for high troponin T

Treatment for high troponin T generally depends on the underlying cause of the disease. Treatment may involve any cardiac procedure or medications such as  NSAIDs, anticoagulants, statins, antiplatelets etc.

7 ways to prevent heart disease

  • Regular physical exercise 
  • Eat well-balanced diet and Maintain healthy weight
  • Avoid too much salt in a diet
  • Quit smoking
  • Monitor and maintain your cholesterol level
  • Avoid consumption of alcohol
  • Keep your blood pressure and diabetes under control


Elevated level of troponin T in a blood is a valuable diagnostic tool for cardiovascular disease especially in heart attack. Troponin T level in the blood continues to rise for about 24 hrs after a heart attack so if your troponin T levels are high then you probably should get tested for 2-3 times over a period of 24 hrs.

For detailed information about other heart disease test for your heart health click here.

Frequently asked questions (People Also Ask)  

What are the symptoms of heart attack?

Symptoms of heart attack includes

  • Pain radiating from left shoulders to jaw and back
  • Intense chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Excessive sweating

How do I know if the health of my heart is good?

Routine health checkup helps in determining the risk of developing any disease including heart disease early.

What are the signs of heart damage ?

  • High blood pressure
  • arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm)
  • swelling in the lower limbs
  • excessive sweating and chest pain 

What happens during troponin T test ?

A skilled professional will draw a blood sample from your arm vein and further analysis for the measurement of the levels of troponin T is done in the lab.

What is a 3 hour troponin rule ?

It is an emergency medicine guideline which says that if the first test for troponin is negative then the other test should be done again after 3 hrs. This helps in detecting any delayed rise in troponin levels.

How can I lower my troponin level naturally?

By adapting lifestyle modification such as regular physical physical exercise and eating a well balanced diet you can lower your troponin levels naturally.

What do I need to do to prepare for this test ?

No special preparation is required for this test however if you are taking any medications such as supplements of vitamin B7 or biotin then inform your doctor before the test as these supplements can show lower troponin level then they actually are.

What is the troponin T test cost?

Troponin T test costs vary based on the location and the reputation of the diagnostic centre, the average cost is around Rs 500 to 2000. You can book this test with ganesh diagnostic centre and get heavy discounts for more information click here.

What does Troponin T positive means?

Troponin T positive indicated the presence of heart damage.

What does Troponin T negative means?

Troponin t negative indicates that no heart damage is present.