
Know Your Vitamin B12: Deficiency, Prevention and Treatment

Know Your Vitamin B12: Deficiency, Prevention and Treatment

Vitamins have major importance in the human body. Vitamins and minerals have a major impact on the body functions physiologically as well as psychologically.

Even if you consume most essential nutrients from a balanced diet, still your diet lacks some nutrients. Although vitamins are found in many foods, B12 insufficiency and deficiency is quite common. Too much intake of vitamins can have negative effects on the body.

Vitamin B12 is important for the formation and maturation of the red blood cells (RBC) and the synthesis of DNA. We need to maintain Vitamin B-12 by external means because our body does not produce it. So we have to take it in small amounts through our diet.

Severe vitamin B12 deficiency may result in anaemia, weak muscles, numbness or tingling sensation, trouble working, nausea, weight loss, irritability, fatigue and increased heart rate.

Can these things be controlled and prevented?

So yes, let’s know more about Vitamin –B12, symptoms of vitamin B-12 Deficiency, significance of serum vitamin B12 test and prevention and treatment.

What is Vitamin B-12?

A vitamin B-12 is one of the most important vitamins that help in the formation of DNA and synthesis of RBC. Also helps the nerve in proper functioning, brain, health etc.

How to test Vitamin B-12 levels in the body?

Vitamin B-12 testing needs a blood or urine sample to evaluate the vitamin B12 levels. These tests will evaluate the Vitamin B-12 level, methylmalonic acid, homocysteine and holotranscobalamin.

Normal range- 200-1100 pg/mL

What should Vitamin B-12 results mean?

The test detects the level of vitamin B-12, the test yield the following information

Low - Vitamin B-12 below 200 pg/mL,

Low level indicates Vitamin B-12 deficiency, pernicious anaemia and thyroid disorder and neurological disorders.

High - VitaminB-12 level – Above 900 pg/mL

Excess vitamin B-12 in the body indicates liver disease, type 2 diabetes and certain blood cancers.

What can happen if Vitamin B-12 level is too low?

Deficiency of Vitamin B-12 associated with the following symptoms

  • Weakness
  • Yellow or pale skin
  • Loss of appetite
  • Constipation
  • Vision issues
  • Nerve damage, numbness, tingling sensations
  • Muscle weakness
  • Problem in walking
  • High temperature
  • Vision difficulties
  • Mental issues like- depression, memory loss and behavioural changes
  • Smooth and  swollen tongue/ Glossitis
  • Mouth ulcers
  •  Temporally infertility in women

As well as excess or high vitamin B-12 are commonly seen in fatty people and excessive meat eaters. Excess level also indicates liver disease, leukaemia, diabetes etc.

Need of Vitamin B-12 testing

If anybody experiencing any of the above mentioned symptoms or conditions that could affect the vitamin B-12 level. There are other conditions also that need vitamin B-12 test, these are.

  • Aging
  • In pregnancy
  • Pernicious anaemia
  • Developmental challenges among children
  • Weak bones
  • Male infertility
  • Heart disease
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Swollen tendons
  • Alzheimer’s diseases
  • Sleep and mental disorders

How is B12 deficiency treated?

Treatment of vitamin B-12 is dependent on the severity and underlying cause of deficiency.  It’s important to assess your symptoms and discuss with your healthcare professional who determines the most suitable treatment options with the help of physical examination and diagnostic tests.

The treatment of vitamin B-12 deficiency involves vitamin B-12 supplements and in some people with nerve damage injections of vitamin B-12 can be given.


We can prevent vitamin B-12 deficiency by consuming foods and drinks enriched in vitamin B-12. To increase vitamin b-12 status they have to follow the following measures.

  • Consume food rich in vitamin B12 that include

Fish and seafood



Dairy products

  • Daily vitamin B-12 supplements

If you have a medical condition that affects how well your body absorbs nutrients, or if you don't eat animal products, you can get vitamin B12 from foods fortified with the vitamin or from multivitamins.


An important nutrient that is critical to general health is vitamin B12. One can find out their vitamin B12 status by taking a vitamin B12 level test. People who exhibit deficiencies or who are more likely to have low vitamin B12 levels in their bodies may be advised to take this test by their doctor.

By eating a balanced diet that includes multiple sources of vitamin B12 daily or by taking supplements, people can prevent vitamin B12 deficiency. Oral supplements or vitamin B12 injections can help prevent symptoms and complications if they have trouble absorbing the vitamin from food sources.

Best Vitamin B-12 test Centre in Delhi

Vitamin B-12 is necessary for body function and RBC production. Abnormal Vitamin B12 level can cause various health related problems.

The vitamin B-12 test in Delhi determines how much vitamin B-12 is present in your body. With the help of an examination physician will decide if treatment is required if the person’s vitamin B12 level goes outside the normal range.

Ganesh diagnostic and imaging Centre is the best diagnostic centre. Ganesh diagnostics offers a timely screening so that you can keep a track of your health in the best way because we are one of the top diagnostic Centre and offers an at-home service with more than 50 Lakhs satisfied customers. You can choose vitamin B12 tests and other health packages at the ease of your home to keep your health check.

Ganesh diagnostic Vitamin B test

You can contact our customer executive 24X7 to know more about your test.

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