Anemia is defined as an issue that arises when there are not enough healthy red RBCs or even hemoglobin that would be responsible to carry one’s oxygen to the body's tissues.
Anemia is defined as an issue that arises when there are not enough healthy red RBCs or even hemoglobin that would be responsible to carry one’s oxygen to the body's tissues.
Hemoglobin is known to be a protein that is found in the body’s red cells which will carry the oxygen from lungs to all the other organs present in the body. Suffering from anemia, can causes many detoriating symptoms and in severe cases even death.
Key Facts:
- Anemia is considered to be major public health concern, that is mainly affecting young children, the pregnant and postpartum women, and also menstruating adolescent girls and women.
- Globally, it is estimated that around 40% of all children that are aged 6–59 months, around 37% of pregnant women and approx 30% of women 15–49 years of age are affected by anemia.
There are different forms of anemia disease
It could be either short term or even long term. It can also range from a mild form to severe form. The anemia can be considered warning sign of an underlying serious illness.
Types of Anemia:
- Aplastic anemia
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Vitamin deficiency B12
- Sickle cell anemia
- Thalassemia
Signs and Symptoms
There are so many different symptoms of Anemia. Some of them are as follows:
- Shortness Of Breath
- Dizziness
- Chest Pain
- Pale Or Yellowish Skin
- Irregular Heartbeat
- Tiredness
- Weakness
- Cold Hands And Feet
- Headaches
- Enlarged Spleen
- Bone Marrow Disorders
Note: Hypo proliferative anemia’s are the most common anemia, in clinics, iron deficiency anemia is the most common of these, followed by the anemia of inflammation.
Causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia:
- Increased Demand for Iron
- Rapid growth in infancy or adolescence
- Pregnancy
- Erythropoietin therapy
- Increased Iron Loss
- Chronic Blood Loss
- Menses
- Acute Blood Loss
- Blood Donation
- Phlebotomy treatment for polycythemia
- Decreased Iron Intake or Absorptive
- Inadequate diet
- Malabsorption from disease
- Malabsorption from surgery
- Acute or chronic inflammation
Description of different types of Anemia
- Vitamin deficiency anemia: Folate and vitamin B-12 need to be ensured for a proper RBC production. A diet that is deficient in Vitamin B12, can lead to its deficiency, or if some individuals fail to absorb Vitamin B-12.
- Anemia of inflammation: This is seen in the case of the following:
- Cancer
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Kidney Disease
- Cohn’s Disease
- Aplastic anemia. This is a rare, and considered to be life-threatening anemia which occurs when body doesn't make any new blood cells. The Causes of the Aplastic anemia include the following:
- Infections
- Certain Medicines
- Autoimmune Diseases
- Toxic Chemicals
- Anemia that linked to the bone marrow disease: Diseases such as leukemia and myelofibrosis can affect how the bone marrow makes blood. The effects of these types of diseases range from mild to life-threatening.
- Hemolytic anemia: This group of anemia is when the red blood cells are being way destroyed faster than the capacity of the bone marrow that can replace it.
- Sickle cell anemia: In an unusual way when the hemoglobin forces the red blood cells to turn into crescent shape, it is called a sickle.
Tips from Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Center
Treatment and prevention:
- Diet Modification (food rich in folate, vitamin B12)
- Supplements
- Prevent Malaria
- Vaccination
- Manage the Chronic Diseases
- Delay the umbilical cord clamping after baby’s birth ( at least not sooner than 1 minute)
- Treat any inherited blood Disorders, such as Thalassemia
Risk factors
There are many factors that can increase the patient’s risk of anemia. These are as follows:
- Diet Deficient in vitamins and minerals
- Heavy Menstrual periods
- Pregnancy
- Chronic Medical conditions
- Family history
- Age
- Autoimmune Diseases
There are a few tests that can be done to diagnose Anemia in a patient. These are as follows:
- Complete Blood Count – Measures Hematocrit (amount of RBCs in Blood) and Hemoglobin in blood
- Differential Leukocyte Count or Blood smear
- Reticulocyte count : detects the shape, the size and the color of the RBCs
Normal Values in a Healthy Individual
Hemoglobin value:
For Men: 14 to 18 grams per deciliter
For Women: 12 to 16 grams per deciliter
Hematocrit value:
For Men: 40% and 52%
For Women: 35% and 47%
To seek Free Consultation from the Doctor:
Contact- Dr. Ravin Sharma, (MBBS, MD in Radiology)
Available: 24*7*365
Phone Number: +919212125996
Why Ganesh diagnostic and Imaging Centre should be your preference to screen you for Anemia?
At Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre, we are known for providing excellent service and care to its patients for decades. Lakhs of satisfied patients over the years!
It is an established and renowned diagnostic centre since 2001.
Their excellence is backed by NABH and NABL Accreditations.
NABH accreditation is proof of highest standard of care and service provided to the patients. NABL accreditation reflects the competency of laboratories and equipment based on some national and international standards.
Test report is available digitally too.
Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre is a one-stop solution for getting all kinds of tests done, as all services are available under one roof.
The aim of GDIC is to provide world’s finest technology at the lowest price.
The rates of scans are reasonably priced. Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre also offer FLAT 50% OFF on many tests.
- Anemia Assessment Profile- BOOK NOW
- Anemia Comprehensive Panel- BOOK NOW
- Anemia of Chronic Disease (ACD) Panel- BOOK NOW
- Anemia Panel 1- BOOK NOW
- Anemia Test at Home- BOOK NOW
- Aplastic Anemia- BOOK NOW
- https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/anaemia
- Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 20 th edition, Volume 2