Lung Cancer is the development of abnormal cells that divide in the uncontrolled manner in the lungs of the patient.
Lung Cancer is the development of abnormal cells that divide in the uncontrolled manner in the lungs of the patient. It mostly affects the cells of air passage lining and is leading cause of cancer deaths both in males and females.
What is Lung Cancer?
Lungs are considered as the vital organ of our body. It facilitates the passage for the oxygen to reach the blood then to cells for carrying out normal functioning. Any disease or abnormal activity of the lungs affects the body and sometimes may lead to death. One such disease is the lung cancer; lung cancer is the stage when body develops some abnormal cells in the lungs that can grow in the uncontrolled manner leading to the formation of mass of cells called tumors. This cancer commonly involves the cells of the air passage lining and other related cells in the lungs. Lung cancer is the leading cause of the cancer deaths worldwide both in males and females.
Causes of Lung Cancer
There are many causes of lung cancer. From genetics to environmental conditions, from daily habits to exposure to some causing agents can be the cause of cancer.
Here are some common causes of cancer.
Active smoking
Passive smoking or second hand smoking
Exposure to radiations
Exposure to asbestos, arsenic, chromium, beryllium, nickel or other pollutants at work places
Air pollution
Family history or genetics of lung cancer
Besides the above listed causes, there may be some other causes which can affect your body and can lead to this cancer.
Types of Lung Cancer
Lung cancers are of different types including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), small cell lung cancer (SCLC), and other types of lung cancers.
- Non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) are very common and accounts around 80% of lung cancer cases. Some non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) are listed below:
- Adenocarcinoma
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- Large cell carcinoma
- Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma
- Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is another type of lung cancer that accounts around 10-15% of lung cancer cases. This cancer grows very fast and has spread to other parts of the body at the time of diagnosis. The cancer is treatable through chemo and radio therapy but this type of cancer return at any point of time.
- Other types of lung cancers are very rare and accounts around 5% of the total lung cancer cases and these tumors grow very slowly. This cancer includes:
- Lung carcinoid tumors
- Adenoid cystic carcinomas
- Lymphomas
- Sarcomas
Diagnosis of the Lung Cancer
Lung cancer diagnosis is the multi-step process which involves different kinds of diagnosis methods like:
- Physical Examination: Patient will be examined for physical examination by listening to heart and lungs.
- Laboratory Test: This test uses the patient’s blood and chest X ray for the diagnosis of the cancer.
- Imaging Test: This test use the technology of imaging by using radioactive tracers for the detection of the cancer, these tests include Positron emission test (PET) scan, Computed tomography (CT) scan, Combination of both PET (Positron emission test) and CT (Computed tomography) scan, Ultrasound, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan etc.
- Biopsy Test: This test uses the patient’s cells, tissues, fluids, growths from the lungs of the patient for the examination or the cancer under the microscope.
Treatment for Lung Cancer
There are various approaches for the treatment of the lung cancer based on the target site, type of cancer, stage of cancer and overall health of the patient. Some common treatments include:
- Surgery: In this case the cancerous tumor is removed from the patient
- Chemotherapy: In this procedure, some drugs are used to target the specific sites of cancers to reduce the effect, but the side effects are severe.
- Immunotherapy: This approach uses medications to boost the immune response and fights the cancer cells.
- Radiation therapy: This approach uses the radiation to limit or kill the cancer cells in the body.
- Laser therapy: This approach uses a single beam of laser light to kill the cancer cells.
These are the treatments available for the treatment of lung cancer. With the technology development and evolution of new advanced medicines, new approaches are coming up to counter the disease.
Prevention of Lung Cancer
Lung cancer the cause of highest number of deaths through cancer, precautions and prevention can greatly reduce the mortality rate worldwide. Here are some common and effective preventions and precautions to counter the disease.
Stop smoking or any other tobacco products
Avoid passive or second hand smoking
Exercise daily
Eat healthy and balanced diet.
Go for regular lung cancer screening tests
Immunization from the infections which led to lung cancer.
The cost of lung cancer screening test in Delhi depends on the area, healthcare facility and the quality of healthcare provider. You can choose Ganesh Diagnostics for lung cancer screening tests as they provide best facility, quality, government accreditations and having expertise in healthcare with affordable prices and discounts available.
Why Choose Ganesh Diagnostic?
Ganesh Diagnostic has the expertise in quality healthcare tests and scans from decades, having best in class doctors and facilitation. Ganesh Diagnostic is one of the most reputed and prestigious Diagnostic centres that provides a 24x7x365 days facility. The test results are 100 % accurate which help the patients to get the best and the right treatment for easy recovery. The quality is backed by the NABH and NABL accreditations, NABH is for highest standard care and services provided to patients and NABL reflects the competency of laboratories and equipment at national and international standards. We also provide free blood sample collection at home for different tests, Get tested and treated well with the best diagnostic centre. Grab the opportunity and book an appointment.
Lung cancer is deadly disease and accounts the most number of deaths through cancer. Quit smoking and avoid passive smoking will greatly reduce chances of lung cancer. Regular screening for the disease can minimize the effect and can be treated at early stage without much damage.
What is lung cancer?
Lung cancer is uncontrolled growth of cells or tissues in the lungs leading to the formations of tumors.
When are the different types of lung cancers?
There are different types of lung cancers include non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), small cell lung cancer (SCLC), and other types of lung cancers.
How to detect lung cancer early?
Do not avoid the symptoms related to the lung cancer and go for regular screening to avoid any delay in diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
What are the risks associated tests of lung cancer?
There are no such risks associated with cancer tests, when conducted in presence of healthcare expert and at good healthcare facility with proper guidelines and protocols.