
Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus): Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus): Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

In this blog, we will discuss about the autoimmune disease called Lupus in detail

What is Lupus?

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation throughout your body that is triggered when your body's immune system starts destroying your cells instead of protecting them, You may experience symptoms depending on the type of region it affects like

What Are the Types of Lupus?

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus(SLE) is the most common type other than these include

  • Cutaneous lupus erythematous: This type of Lupus affects the skin.
  • Drug-induced lupus: Some medications and products can produce lupus as a side effect or allergy its effects are temporary and usually go on their own after some time 
  • Neonatal lupus: A newborn baby may develop lupus at a certain period of time. This is not hereditary, and biological parents with lupus aren’t certain to have lupus, but they might have an increased risk.

What Are the Symptoms of Lupus?

Lupus symptoms may vary depending on the type of organ it affects, It usually comes and goes in waves called flare-ups. During a flare-up, the symptoms can be severe enough to affect your daily routine.

Its symptoms are usually slow and non-detectable but here are some of the most common symptoms these are

Lupus has some other side effects including:

What Are the Causes of Lupus?

The exact cause of Lupus is still unknown but some studies and finding have found certain factors that may increase the risk of lupus these are:

  • Hereditary factors: Sometimes genetic mutation may lead to lupus
  • Environmental factors: Depending upon environmental conditions if you are exposed to pollution or sunlight it might affect your lupus risk.
  • Hormones: Responses to specific hormones in your body (like estrogen) may make you more likely to develop lupus.
  • Medical history: If you have any other health medical condition(Autoimmune disease) or smoking might trigger lupus.

Who has high Risk factors for SLE?

Anyone can develop lupus, but some groups of people have a higher risk:

  • a biological parent who has lupus.
  • Black & Hispanic people.
  • Asian people.
  • Native Americans, Alaska Natives and First Nations people.
  • Pacific Islanders.

What Are the Diagnosis Tests for Lupus?

The healthcare provider first looks for any kind of symptoms through physical examination Your provider will ask about your medical history and check for any other issues if it happens in past.

Give proper information to your healthcare provider about the condition to immediately find the best possible treatment for the condition, Dont be afraid and tell everything you know

What Are the Blood Tests to Diagnose Lupus?

Management and Treatment

What is Lupus Treatment?

Your healthcare provider will suggest treatments for lupus that manage your symptoms. The main goal will be to minimize damage to the organs due to autoimmune reactions here are some of the medications listed below:

  • Hydroxychloroquine: Hydroxychloroquine is a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) that can relieve lupus symptoms and slow down 
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): They will help you to reduce the inflammation and give you instant relief from the pain.
  • Corticosteroids: Corticosteroids help reduce inflammation and medications like  Prednisone are a common corticosteroid providers use to manage lupus. It can be either taken orally or through injection into one of your joints.
  • Immunosuppressants: Immunosuppressants help suppress the immune system to some extent to prevent further tissue damage and inflammation.

You might need other medications or treatments to manage specific lupus symptoms. For example, you may need treatment for anaemia, high blood pressure or osteoporosis if caused by lupus

How to Prevent Lupus?

  • Avoiding sun exposure: Spending too much time in the sun can trigger lupus symptoms in some people. Try to avoid going outside when the sun is brightest (usually between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.). Wear long sleeves, a hat or sun-protective clothing. Use a sunscreen that’s at least SPF 50.
  • Be active: Joint pain due to Lupus can be lowered through certain exercises like  Walking, biking, swimming, yoga and tai chi are all great ways to move your body without putting too much stress on your joints. Consult with your healthcare provider for the specific exercises 
  • Get adequate sleep: Getting the right amount of sleep is also very essential as it reduces the risk of the condition as well as improves mental health and quality of life.

A Note From Ganesh Diagnostics

Lupus can cause Pain, inflammation and irritation throughout your body and can be exhausting, Check for the symptoms and get immediate medical attention by consulting with your healthcare provider, Get Diagnosed Yourself from the Best test centre and improve your quality of life.