
Medical Tests to Diagnose Heart Disease

Medical Tests to Diagnose Heart Disease

In this blog, we will discuss the different radiology and blood tests for heart disease in detail.

The heart is an important organ that helps pump blood through the body and heart health is necessary for overall good health, by eating a healthy and proper diet one can maintain heart health to improve well-being and quality of life

If you ever face or suspect any kind of heart-related issue there are many different tests one can go through to diagnose the condition   in the early phase, Let's discuss specific blood and radiology tests in detail

Blood test

During a heart attack, the Enzymes release into the heart which releases certain proteins in blood that can be identified through certain blood tests these are

  • High-Sensitivity Troponin I and T-Test: High-sensitivity troponin I and T are proteins released into the blood during heart cell damage High-sensitivity troponin I and high-sensitivity troponin T blood tests help diagnose a heart attack or any other cardiac problems by noticing troponin levels in blood. Let's understand these tests in brief:
  • High-Sensitivity Troponin I Test: The test detects the level of cardiac troponin I, a protein mainly found in cardiac muscle cells, to diagnose heart and cardiovascular disease. The High Sensitivity Troponin I Test ensures early detection of even minor cardiac muscle damage or injury in the cardiac tissues and helps in effective management and treatment.
  • High Sensitivity Troponin T Test: The High Sensitivity Troponin T Test measures cardiac Troponin T, essential to analysing and assessing cardiac conditions as per the medical condition of a patient.
  • High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) Test: This test helps detect inflammation in the body as the higher the High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) levels, the higher your risk of heart disease it indicates. Hence, it is the most common blood test for heart blockage often referred by doctors and also recommended for checking your risk for coronary artery disease.
  • CK-MB Test: This is another type of blood test called as CK-MB Test which helps diagnose a heart attack or myocardial infarction. The test measures CK-MB levels in the blood helps confirm the heart attack and also gives detailed analysis while monitoring recovery.
  • Lipid Profile Test: This test is mainly during the heart blockage and it helps measure cholesterol & triglyceride levels in the blood, A Higher than normal range indicates a higher risk of heart disease. This test also monitors your levels and screens your risk for developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Lipoprotein (a) Test: Your doctor may suggest the Lp(a) Test for measuring Lipoprotein (A) levels in the blood to determine your risk of blood vessel diseases, evaluate overall heart health and specify prophylactic measures and remedies along with it.
  • NT-proBNP Test: This test is usually a part of the preventive heart screening, This test is highly suggested for diabetic patients to evaluate their risks of heart and cardiovascular disease at the earliest phase, when there is any kind of blockage or injury in the heart, it releases several proteins into the bloodstream, and NT-proBNP is one protein among them. This test helps measure their levels of NT-proBNP to detect heart diseases and determine the stringency of the condition and also helps us to know about the efficacy of the treatment.
  • Homocysteine Test: The test measures Homocysteine in the body. Elevated Homocysteine levels usually indicate a higher risk of heart and cardiovascular disease disease.


An electrocardiogram (ECG) helps detect a heart attack if suspects It should be done within 10 minutes of being admitted to the hospital.

An ECG machine measures the heart's electrical impulses. An ECG machine records these signals on paper, which helps your doctor see how well your heart is working.

An ECG is painless and takes about 5 minutes to perform. During the test, flat metal discs (electrodes) are attached to your arms, legs and chest. Wires from the electrodes are connected to the ECG machine, which records the electrical impulses.

An ECG is important because:-

It helps confirm the diagnosis of a heart attack.

An ECG test helps determine what type of heart attack you've had, which will help in further treatment

Chest X-ray

A. Chest X-rays are useful to check if there have been complications from the heart attack, such as fluid build-up inside your lungs (pulmonary oedema) or any other kind of heart abnormalities.


An echocardiogram is a type of scan that uses sound ways to create a picture inside of your heart. It is useful in identifying areas of the heart that have been damaged and how this damage can affect heart function.

CT Coronary angiography

A coronary angiography scan helps determine if there is any narrowing or blockage of heart arteries to check for heart attack and other heart conditions test involves inserting a thin tube (catheter) into one of the blood vessels in your groin or arm. The catheter is directed into your coronary arteries using X-rays.

A special medicine called Contrast is pumped through the catheter. This fluid can be seen on X-rays and checks if there is any blockage or anomalies in the heart vessel. This helps the Radiologist or Cardiologist to detect the condition for best treatment.


Heart health is required for better well-being and quality as any complexation in the heart may lead to serious issues Blood tests are necessary to diagnose the condition in the early phase So that the patient can get the treatment right away and prevent further problems, Choose the Best Diagnostic centre and get tested and treated well.


What are the different tests for heart disease?

Different test includes

  • Electrocardiogram 
  • Chest X-ray 
  • Echocardiogram 
  • Coronary Angiography 

What does an ECG test reveal?

This test is mainly done to check blood problems, lack of oxygen, blockage of veins, chest pain or swelling, shortness of breath etc. Heart attack or other heart-related problems can also be detected with this test.

What are the common symptoms of heart blockage?

Some of the common symptoms include

  • Dizziness
  • shortness of breath
  • Chest pain 
  • irregular heartbeat