
Pancreatic cancer: Causes, Types, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Cost

Pancreatic cancer: Causes, Types, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Cost

Pancreatic cancer is the development of abnormal cells that divide in the uncontrolled manner in any part of pancreas. Pancreatic cancer is rare and accounts around 3% of all cancers and is very dangerous because the symptoms...

Pancreatic cancer is the development of abnormal cells that divide in the uncontrolled manner in any part of pancreas. Pancreatic cancer is rare and accounts around 3% of all cancers and is very dangerous because the symptoms are visible only at the later stages of cancer.

What is Pancreatic Cancer?

Pancreas is vital glandular organ in our body that plays dual role in digestive system and endocrine system. Pancreas is long, flat gland that lies in the abdomen behind the stomach. Pancreas secrets different types of enzymes like trypsin and chymotrypsin for the digestion of food. Endocrine function includes the secretion of hormones like insulin, which help in maintaining the blood sugar levels in the body. Any disease or abnormal activity of the pancreas affects the body and sometimes may greater health issues. One such disease is the pancreatic cancer; pancreatic cancer is the stage when body develops some abnormal cells in any part of the pancreas that can grow in the uncontrolled manner leading to the formation of mass of cells called tumors. This cancer commonly involves the cells of pancreas both of exocrine and endocrine function. Pancreatic cancers are rare but dangerous because the symptoms are visible only at the later stage of the cancer. This cancer affects more males than females with lot more depends of the eating habits and life style

Causes of Pancreatic Cancer

There are no specific reasons for the causes of pancreatic cancer because of limited data and research but experts have found some risk factors that cause the cancer in pancreas. Here are some common causes/risk factors responsible for pancreatic cancer.

Causes of Pancreatic Cancer

  • Long standing of diabetes particularly type 2 diabetes
  • Exposure to certain chemicals like pesticides and petrochemicals
  • Chronic inflammation of pancreas, called pancreatitis
  • Family history of pancreatic cancer
  • Genetic mutations
  • Older age (Mostly in people with age over 65)
  • Smoking
  • Overweight or obese

Besides the above listed causes, there may be some other causes which can affect your body and can lead to pancreatic cancer.

Types of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer can be either exocrine or endocrine (neuroendocrine or NET’s tumors) depending on the type of cells the cancer effects. Exocrine cells release the digestive enzymes whereas endocrine cells releases the hormones like insulin. More than 90% of pancreatic cancers are exocrine cancers whereas less than 10% of pancreatic cancers are endocrine. Exocrine cancers include:

  • Adenocarcinomas
  • Acinar cell cancer
  • Cystic tumors

Endocrine tumors or neuroendocrine tumors (NET”s) are the tumors that involve the cells that produce hormones responsible for different functions. It is important to know the type of cells tumor has affected because each has different symptoms and responds different to the treatment. Endocrine tumors or neuroendocrine tumors (NET”s) are classified by hormones they make and some common types of NET’s are:

  • Insulinoma
  • Glucaganoma 
  • Somatostatinoma
  • Gastrinoma
  • VIPoma
  • Nonfunctional islet cell tumor

Diagnosis of the Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer diagnosis can be done by various methods like: 

Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer

There are various approaches for the treatment of the pancreatic cancer based on the target site, type of cancer, stage of cancer and overall health of the patient. Some common treatments include:

  • Surgery: In this case the cancerous tumor is removed from the patient
  • Chemotherapy: In this procedure, some drugs are used to target the specific sites of cancers to reduce the effect, but the side effects are severe.
  • Radiation therapy: This approach uses the radiation to limit or kill the cancer cells in the body
  • Whipple procedure: Also called pancreaticoduodenectomy, procedure in which head of pancreas is removed.
  • Distal pancreatectomy: This procedure is used to remove the tail of pancreas.
  • Total pancreatectomy: This procedure involves the removal of entire pancreas, gall bladder, spleen and parts of stomach and small intestine.

These are the treatments available for the treatment of pancreatic cancer. With the technology development and evolution of new advanced medicines, new approaches are coming up to counter the disease.

Prevention of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is the is deadly as it is only shows symptoms at later stage, precautions and prevention can greatly reduce the mortality rate worldwide due to this cancer. Here are some common and effective preventions and precautions to counter the disease.

Prevention of Pancreatic Cancer

  • Eat plenty of fruits of vegetables
  • Reduce the amount of red meat, sugary and processed drinks
  • Stop smoking or any other tobacco products
  • Exercise daily
  • Eat healthy and balanced diet.
  • Go for regular Pancreatic cancer screening tests
  • Limit exposure to harmful chemical like asbestos, pesticides and petrochemicals

What is the Cost of the Pancreatic Cancer Screening Test in Delhi?

The cost of pancreatic cancer screening test in Delhi depends on the area, healthcare facility and the quality of healthcare provider. You can choose Ganesh Diagnostic for pancreatic cancer screening tests as they provide best facility, quality, and Government accreditations and having expertise in healthcare with affordable prices and discounts available. (Click to know Discounts)

Why Choose Ganesh Diagnostic?

Ganesh Diagnostic has the expertise in quality healthcare tests and scans from decades, having best in class doctors and facilitation. Ganesh Diagnostic is one of the most reputed and prestigious Diagnostic centres that provides a 24x7x365 days facility. The test results are 100 % accurate which help the patients to get the best and the right treatment for easy recovery. The quality is backed by the NABH and NABL accreditations, NABH is for highest standard care and services provided to patients and NABL reflects the competency of laboratories and equipment at national and international standards. We also provide free blood sample collection at home for different tests, Get tested and treated well with the best diagnostic centre. Grab the opportunity and book an appointment. (Book Now)


Pancreatic cancer is the cancer of pancreas. This is the rear type of cancer but deadly as symptoms are visible at the last stage of the disease. Adopting healthy life style, taking plenty of fruits and vegetables and avoiding sugary and packed food can reduce chances of pancreatic cancer. Regular screening for the disease can minimize the effect and can be treated at early stage without much damage.


What is pancreatic cancer?

Pancreatic cancer is uncontrolled growth of cells or tissues in any part of the pancreas leading to the formation of tumors. 

When are the different types of pancreatic cancers?

There are different types of pancreatic cancers includes exocrine and endocrine (neuroendocrine or NET’s tumors).

How to detect pancreatic cancer early?

Go for regular screening to avoid any delay in diagnosis and treatment of cancer. (Click for screening)

What are the risks associated with tests of pancreatic cancer?

There are no such risks associated with pancreatic cancer tests, when conducted in presence of healthcare expert and at good healthcare facility with proper guidelines and protocols.

What is the cost of pancreatic cancer screening in Delhi?

Cost depends on area and healthcare facility provider. You can choose Ganesh diagnostic for discounts and best facility. (Book Now)