
Pelvic MRI: Things you should know

Pelvic MRI: Things you should know

MRI means magnetic resonance imaging, which is a procedure that clicks images of the internal organs of a human body. It is based on the principles of using a blend of magnetic fields, radio waves, and at times contrast dye to...


MRI means magnetic resonance imaging, which is a procedure that clicks images of the internal organs of a human body. It is based on the principles of using a blend of magnetic fields, radio waves, and at times contrast dye to detect any abnormalities in the body. ‌

A pelvic MRI returns images of the area between the hips helping doctors to detect any problems with the pelvic bones, bladder, bowels, reproductive organs, and lymph nodes, among others. 

This specialized medical imaging technique of the pelvis utilizes a potent magnetic field and radio waves to click high-resolution pictures of the pelvic organs. 

Why is a pelvic MRI done?

A pelvic MRI is advised because it helps doctors to diagnose and evaluate various conditions impacting the pelvic region, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, prostate cancer, and pelvic organ prolapse. 

Healthcare providers derive great insights from a non-invasive and detailed pelvic MRI in studying the pelvic anatomy to accurately spot abnormalities, take tailor-made treatment decisions, and observe the progression of diseases.

It is pivotal to provide optimal care to patients with pelvic ailments, helping in timely treatment interventions and enhancing overall health results.

Preparing for a pelvic MRI

The doctors and technicians will guide the patient through the proceedings before the scan. It starts with a filling of certain paper works. The patient should read the documents and instructions carefully before filling and signing the papers. 

One should talk to the doctor if a patient has any allergies before getting the pelvic MRI. There should be open and transparent discussions with the healthcare provider about any metal implants in the body. Any kind of metal implants in the body may interfere with the process because there will be strong magnetic fields inside the MRI machine.

If you inform the doctor and the concerned radiologist about any such devices in the body, they will advise and take appropriate decisions to rule out any contingencies, while ensuring it is done successfully.

It is important to note that under certain circumstances, and with certain body implants, the scan may not be possible. So, always be transparent and inform your doctor about every detail. It will ensure your safety. 

If a patient has claustrophobia and is paranoid about smaller or enclosed spaces, he or she should inform the doctor immediately.

It is important to understand that while undergoing a pelvic MRI or for that matter any MRI scan, it involves the patient lying down on the examination table that slides into the machine, which is a small space. The process is done for a protracted period.

For such people, it may lead to stress and anxiety. So, usually, the doctor may prescribe a relaxant for the procedure if the need arises. However, be sure that the medicine is given by the doctor and not the technicians present. They are not qualified to prescribe any medicine. ‌

Also, bring someone with you for the MRI. Because, if you take a relaxant it might be safe for you to drive back home after the scanning process. So, if you have claustrophobia or there is a need for a relaxant, do bring a friend or family member to the scan, so that he or she can drive you back home. ‌

One should also refrain from eating or drinking. The doctor will give an outline of an exact plan before the procedure. A patient is required to avoid eating or drinking up to a few hours before the MRI scan. 

You should also not use the bathroom. Before the scan, a patient will need to empty the bladder, say two hours prior. They should not go to the bathroom to empty the bladder again until it’s all done. Remember that using the bathroom once the procedure has started can lead to troubles and prolong the scanning process. ‌

The patient will be made to wear loose and comfortable clothing such as loungewear or sportswear, which will be provided by the facility. One should not wear any jewelry during the process and remove them before. It is advisable not to carry any valuables and leave them at home, in the car, or with the person who is accompanying you to the scan.

How does the pelvic MRI process go?

It is important to know at the outset that a pelvic MRI is very easy and painless. However, it may last up to one hour. ‌

The patient will change into a gown and will be asked to lie down on the MRI examination table. 

Based on the individual purpose of the MRI, a few extra tools may be used to enhance the quality of the images. For example, the technicians may place coils around the pelvis, or insert a probe into the rectum of a patient. 

After that, the MRI table begins to slide into a large, tube-shaped machine, which is nothing but a huge magnet. One has to remain very still during the entire procedure to make ensure clear images get clicked. Only crystal clear images can help doctors to evaluate the actual problem. In the long run, it betters the intervention process with successful treatment outcomes. 

The patient usually doesn’t feel anything during the process. There will be a lot of humming, and clicking sounds from the MRI magnet. These noises come when the magnetic fields and radio waves travel through the body of the patient. But, there is nothing to worry about. The patient will be provided with earplugs to lessen the noise. 

On the other hand, the technician who is responsible for performing the scan will be able in constant touch with the patient from the adjacent room and will be able to see and hear during the scan. The patients will have an emergency device at their disposal to alert the technician if there is any need. 

After the pelvic MRI

One can return to a normal routine once the pelvic MRI gets over. If one has taken a relaxant, before the procedure, then someone has to drive the patient home. ‌

After the scan is over, a radiologist will examine the clicked MRI images. Then, the results and findings from the scan will be sent to the consulting doctor of the patient, who will talk about the results with the patient. ‌

In case, there was the use of contrast injection, a patient will have to drink plenty of water. The body will then flush the dye from the bloodstream. Hence, it is important to remain hydrated and avoid dehydration. 

Pelvic MRI price

The pelvic MRI price is dependent on a variety of factors. One must talk to the particular healthcare facility or the doctor in advance to ascertain the exact amount. Since this is a developed and sophisticated process, there is a cost attached to it. However, despite the high cost, it is imperative to get it done and not think about the pelvic MRI price for the sake of your health.


The pelvic MRI is an invaluable diagnostic modality that helps in the detection and treatment of a range of illnesses in the pelvic region and other related areas. One should get it done when advised by the doctor for early diagnosis, treatment, and living a healthy life. One should not think about the price of an MRI and compromise health.