Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs causing inflammation of the air sacs or alveoli of the lungs causing acute respiratory infection. There are certain causes of pneumonia such as bacteria, viruses or fungi. Infection with...
Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs causing inflammation of the air sacs or alveoli of the lungs causing acute respiratory infection. There are certain causes of pneumonia such as bacteria, viruses or fungi. Infection with pneumonia causes inflammation of the lung tissue and may further lead to accumulation of fluid surrounding the lungs. All of these will make a person difficult to breathe.
Contagious pneumonia are caused by bacteria’s and viruses. It can be spread from person to person through inhalation of airborne droplets through coughing or sneezing.
According to the affection of lungs there are two types:
- Lobar pneumonia -affects one or more sections(lobe)of lungs
- Bronchial pneumonia -affects patches throughout lungs
Signs and Symptoms of Pneumonia
- Fever
- Cough
- Chest pain during breathing or coughing
- Shortness of breath
- Sweating or shaking chills
- Rapid or shallow breathing
- Stabbing or sharp chest pain
- Loss of appetite, low energy and fatigue
- In children usually associated with nausea and vomiting
- In older people it can cause confusion
- Bluish discolouration of lips or fingernails
The different causes of pneumonia
Bacterial pneumonia: It is caused by different kinds of bacteria where Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common. It happens most frequently when the body immune system is weakened either by age, an illness or poor nutrition. People who consume alcohol, smoke cigarettes, recent history of surgery, respiratory disease or infection with virus have higher risk of getting infected with pneumonia.
Viral pneumonia: One third of pneumonia is caused by viruses. It is caused by viruses causing the flu (influenza) and many other respiratory viruses. If you have viral pneumonia you might likely get infected with bacterial pneumonia.
Mycoplasma pneumonia: It is caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae. It causes mild symptoms and is widespread affecting all age groups.
Other pneumonia: Other less common pneumonia that maybe caused by other infections including fungi.
Who can get infected with pneumonia?
- Children younger than 2 years of age
- Adults older than 65 years of age
- Smokers
- Asthma
- Cystic fibrosis
- Diabetes
- COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), etc.
- Hospitalized patients or who are on ventilator
- People living in crowded areas or environment such as in nursing homes or prison.
What can I do to prevent pneumonia?
- Get vaccinated with pneumococcal vaccine. It will get you immunized with some common forms of bacteria. Highly advisable for children under 5 years old and adults of more than 65 years old.
- Getting a flu shot every year will also be very helpful in preventing yourself from pneumonia because the incidence of getting contracted with pneumonia is highly associated with flu.
- Getting COVID-19 vaccination is also essential since the pandemic of coronavirus has been also associated with increased risk of developing pneumonia in a patient affected with COVID-19.
How can pneumonia be treated?
- Pneumonia can be treated at home if the symptoms are not very severe and manageable at home. But if the symptoms are severe you might be treated at a hospital. Mostly antibiotics are used for treatment of bacterial pneumonia and also aid in speedy recovery from mycoplasma pneumonia. For viral pneumonia there are no any specific treatment.
- Oxygen therapy will be given if you have deficiency of oxygen in your body and is facing breathing problem. Oxygen is given through a tube in your nose or through a mask on your face.
- IV fluids is also given in cases of severe dehydration or to prevent dehydration.
- If the pneumonia condition worsens and there is heavy accumulation of fluid in the pleural space a medical practitioner may drain the pleural fluid with the help of a catheter or surgery.
- Other treatments include eating well, adequate rest, increasing fluid intake, pain medication, antipyretic medicines (fever decreasing), and cough-depressant medicines.
How can pneumonia be diagnosed?
Diagnosis of pneumonia can be made based on your health history such as cold, surgery, or travelling. Your healthcare provider may diagnose pneumonia based on your history or through physical examination and the following test may be done to confirm the diagnosis of pneumonia:
- Blood test: Blood test is used to check whether infection is present in your body or if the infection has spread to the bloodstream.
- Chest X-ray: Chest X-ray is done to check the affection of lungs
- Sputum culture: The culture is done on the material that is coughed up from the lungs and into the mouth. This culture is done to check if there is any infection in the lungs.
- Pleural fluid culture: Pleural fluid culture is done by taking a sample fluid from the pleural space (fluid-filled space surrounding the lungs)
- Bronchoscopy: Bronchoscopy is a direct examination of the bronchi (main airway of lungs) using the help of a flexible tube called a bronchoscope. It evaluates and diagnoses problems in the lungs, assesses blockages, and takes out samples of tissues or fluid for testing.
What are the complications of pneumonia?
Many people respond well to the treatment of pneumonia but in many people, it sometimes becomes very severe and even deadly.
Complications are highly susceptible if you are the age of a child or older individuals or even people with decreased immune system like diabetes, HIV, etc.
Complications of pneumonia are:
- ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome): It is a condition when the pleural fluid has leaked into the lungs and thereby leads to decrease in blood oxygen.
- Respiratory failure: When respiratory failure occurs breathing machine or ventilator is used.
- Sepsis: Sepsis occurs when the infection gets into the blood and may even lead to organ failure.
- Lung abscess: This is a condition when there are pockets of pus (thick yellow fluid) formed inside or around the lungs, it is drained with the help of surgery.
Test to diagnose Pneumonia at Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre (GDIC)
If you happen to suspect any symptoms directed to pneumonia you can visit your nearest and reliable test centre with 23 years of expertise since 2001 accredited by NABH and NABL respectively which is Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre (GDIC):
- CBC (Complete Blood Test)
- X-ray of chest
- Bacterial Pneumonial Panel PCR
- Biofire Pneumonia Plus
- Biofire Pneumonia Plus Panel
- Biofire Pneumonia Panel Plus Advantage
- Chlamydia pneumonia IgA
- Chlamydia pneumonia IgG
- Chlamydia pneumonia IgM
- Chlamydophilia Pneumonia
- Chlamydophila Pneumoniae IgG
- Mycoplasma Pneumonia
Free Blood Home Sample Collection
The advancement of medical technologies has offered us ample convenient medical services. Leaning into that Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre offers Free Blood Home Sample collection. You can book now for free home sample collection in your own convenient time and space. The reports for the test can be received digitally too.
Book now for Free Blood Home Sample Collection
Free Ambulance Service
Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre offer Free Ambulance Service 24*7*366. Contact for free ambulance service
Free consultation with doctors
Dr Sonal Sharma (MBBS, MD)
Contact: 91-9212125996
Available: 24*7*366
Despite being the cause of significant mortality and morbidity pneumonia is often misdiagnosed, mistreated, and underestimated. Pneumonia can cause mild to life-threatening illness in people of all ages and race and is the single largest infectious cause of death in children. With so many causes and varying symptoms pneumonia can be confusing and one begins to wonder if your symptoms mean something more serious, therefore if you have any of the discussed symptoms seek medical attention without delay.