
Role of PET scan in Rectal Cancer: Uses, Preparation, Procedure & Cost

Role of PET scan in Rectal Cancer: Uses, Preparation, Procedure & Cost

What is Rectal cancer? Cancerous growth in rectum is known as rectal cancer. The Colon and rectum are parts of the large intestine. If colon is involved along with rectum, then it is called colorectal cancer or CRC. 

What is Rectal cancer?

Cancerous growth in rectum is known as rectal cancer. The Colon and rectum are parts of the large intestine. If colon is involved along with rectum, then it is called colorectal cancer or CRC.

Certain risk factors or predisposing factors such as old age, smoking, obesity etc. and lack of early screening increases the chances of rectal cancer. Adopting a healthy lifestyle with certain lifestyle modifications and screening tests may decrease the risk of rectal cancer.

What Are the Symptoms of Rectal Cancer?

Depending upon the exact location or stage of tumor or its metastasis to distant sites, various symptoms or sign may be seen that includes:

  • Rectal bleeding
  • Severe constipation
  • Altered bowel habit (Color, consistency, shape or frequency of stool)
  • Persistent diarrhea 
  • Narrow stool
  • Blood in stools
  • Weakness 
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Anorexia
  • Anemia
  • Abdominal pain.

What Are the Uses of Pet Scan in Rectal Cancer?

Cancerous cells exhibit altered growth and metabolism. PET Scan is typically used for the assessment and evaluation of metabolic and biochemical properties of tissues or organ. It is indicated for the following purpose in rectal cancer:

  1. Cancer staging: PET scan may be used for staging of rectal cancers.
  2. Detection of metastases:  Secondary malignant growths at distant site from primary tumours is known as metastases. PET scan plays a crucial role in identification and localization of metastases.
  3. To monitor efficacy of treatment.
  4. To evaluate the prognosis of cancer patients.
  5. To check for Cancer recurrence post treatment.

How Do I Prepare for Pet Scan in Rectal Cancer?

Follow these steps if you are going for a PET scan:

  1. Get an appointment: Fix an appointment in a Diagnostic center having the facility of PET scan as it is available in limited centers. Prior appointment also saves your time by avoiding waiting at the time of scan.
  2. Fasting: 6-7 hours fasting is required before PET test.
  3. Caffeine: For 24-hours before the scan, avoid caffeinated products.
  4. Medications: Certain drugs may alter test results. Inform your doctor about all medications and supplements that you are currently taking.
  5. Clothing: Wear clothes as comfortable as possible and that are easy to put on and off.
  6. Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Tell your doctor about pregnancy if you are pregnant or if you breastfed your baby so that your doctor can evaluate the risk vs benefit ratio.
  7. Allergy: Inform your Clinician about prior history of allergy to any drug or medications.
  8. Exercise: Don’t perform any strenuous exercise for 24-hours prior to your test.
  9.  Smoking and tobacco: On the day of your scan, don’t smoke or chew tobacco products as nicotine present in these substances causes vasoconstriction and may alter the test results.
  10. Implants: Inform your doctor about any implant in your body such as cardiac implant, inner ear implants, metallic dentures, neurostimulators or any type of hearing aids etc.
  11. Claustrophobia and anxiety: If you have claustrophobia or anxiety disorder then don’t hesitate to tell your doctor. He may give you sedative or some alternatives to help overcome this while performing test.
  12. Medical reports: Don’t forget to carry all relevant medical reports along with you while going for PET scan. These reports may aid in better evaluation of your condition.
  13. Take a company:  Get accompanied by a friend or family member to have mental, emotional and physical support and to drive you home.

What Is the Procedure for Pet Scan in Rectal Cancer?

The procedure of PET scan includes the following steps:

  1. Written consent is required before the procedure begins.
  2. You will be then asked to change your clothes and wear a gown provided by the technician assisting the procedure.
  3. You will be asked to remove all the metallic elements like jewellery, hearing aids, metallic hair clips, metallic underwired bras, wallets, keys, coins, cards containing metallic strips, belts, goggles etc.
  4. An intravenous injection of radiopharmaceutical agent usually FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose) is given to you.
  5. You will be then asked to sit quietly for about an hour to allow the radiotracer agent to get distributed to your body tissues and organs via bloodstream. The radioactive agent gets accumulated in areas of high metabolic activity such as cancerous tissues.
  6. If PET-CT is being scheduled then you may get another intravenous injection of a contrast agent which yield high clarity images on CT scan.
  7. You may be provided with head phones or ear plugs to make you feel more comfortable.
  8. If you have Claustrophobia or anxiety disorder, then you may be given sedatives or some other alternatives to make you feel comfortable during the scan.
  9. Before scan, your assisting Doctor will explain about all the possible adverse effects of using radiopharmaceutical or contrast material such as itching, rash, swelling etc. Your KFT report will be required to rule out any kidney disease/pathology and to check your GFR.
  10. Then you will be asked to lie supine on the examination table which will slide and place you inside the scanner.
  11. You need to lie still during the procedure as body movements may interfere with the quality of images produced. 
  12. Your Radiologist will take several images to evaluate the underlying pathology and at the end these images will be interpreted for making a definite diagnosis.

What Happens After PET Scan?

Once the imaging is over you may be allowed to exit the scanner room and asked to wait in the observation room for some time, to check for any possible side effect of radioactive or contrast agent being used. You should drink water to clear out the radiotracer or contrast agent from your body.

Cost of PET Scan for Rectal Cancer in Delhi?

Price of PET scan generally varies with city and location. Various diagnostic and imaging centers charges differently according to the quality of machines they provide and the offers currently availing in them. PET scan charges also vary with the body part which need to be examined and the type of PET scan.

PET scan test is an advanced diagnostic and monitoring tool that is available at limited diagnostic centers as it requires costly and modern equipments and skilled Radiologists to perform the scan. 

To choose the best diagnostic center for PET scan in Delhi.

Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging center (GDIC) is now offering 50% discount on all types of PET scan test.

Various PET scan prices at Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging center (GDIC)are as following:

For more details, click here!

Best diagnostic center for PET scan?

Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging center (GDIC) is considered as the best diagnostic center for PET scan in Rohini, Delhi. We have many branches in different locations of Delhi including Hari Nagar, Yamuna Vihar, Nangloi, Derawal Nagar and Mangol puri.

We are having the facility of different types of PET scan including: 


F-18 Choline PET Scan

Whole Body PET Scan

Brain PET Scan

PSMA PET Scan For Prostate

Dopa Brain PET Scan 

PET Viability Scan Cardiac

Cardiac PET Scan


Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Center is a NABH and NABL accredited top diagnostic center situated in ROHINI and various other locations of Delhi. It is equipped with modern, highly expensive machines with latest cutting-edge technologies and highly skilled Radiologists and Pathologists.

Currently, we are offering 50% discount on all types of PET scan. We are open 24X7 and 365 days. You can also get free online or offline Consultation with our Senior Radiologist, Dr. Ravin Sharma regarding any imaging and scanning test.

We also offer facilities of online reportingfree home sample collection and free Ambulance services in Delhi, NCR

For more details visit your nearest Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging center (GDIC) today or call us now!

FAQs Related to Rectal Cancer & PET scan:

What are the risk factors for rectal cancer?

There are several risk factors for the development of rectal cancer including: 

  • Family history of rectal or colorectal cancer
  • Older age (>50 years)
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Male sex
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol intake
  • Intake of fatty meals
  • Obesity
  • Consumption of red meat
  • Prior radiation therapy to abdomen
  • Diseases such as:
    1. Inflammatory bowel diseases like Ulcerative colitis.
    2. Diabetes Mellitus.
    3. Ovarian cancer.
  • Genetic disorders:
    1. HNPCC (Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer).
    2. FAP (Familial adenomatosis polyposis).

Types of rectal tumors?

Rectal cancers are of following types:

  1.  Adenocarcinoma
  2. Lymphoma
  3. Carcinoid tumors
  4. Hereditary rectal cancer
  5. GIST (Gastrointestinal stromal tumors).

How is screening done for rectal cancer?

Screening tests are used to screen or look for rectal cancer before the appearance of signs and symptoms. It is advised to undergo regular screening tests starting from 45 years till 75 years of age for rectal or colorectal cancer. 

However, screening is initiated earlier in some people especially those belonging to the high-risk group for rectal cancer. These tests help in early screening and determine the need of further testing if reports are abnormal. 

Whereas, diagnostic tests are performed when you have sign or symptoms of rectal cancer or if the screening tests are found to be suspicious or abnormal.

Tests available for screening rectal cancer includes:

  • Per rectal examination.
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy.
  • Stool examination for occult blood.
  • Fecal DNA test (FIT-DNA).
  • Special X-rays called virtual colonoscopy to check for ulcers, polyps or tumours.

How is rectal cancer diagnosed?

Diagnosis of rectal cancer is done using multiple tests that includes:

  1. Blood examination: 
    • CBC (Complete blood count)
    • CEA assay (Carcinoembryonic antigen): Act as tumor marker.
    • Metabolic panel.
  2. Colonoscopy.
  3. Imaging tests:
    • X-rays
    • Ultrasound
    • MRI
    • CT scan
    • PET scan.
  4. Histopathological examination:<
    • Tissue biopsy 

What is the prognosis of rectal cancer?

Prognosis of rectal or colorectal cancer depends upon many variables such as:

  • Stage of tumor
  • Response to treatment
  • Patient age
  • Presence of Co-morbid conditions
  • Metastasis.

What is the survival rate of rectal cancer?

The 5-year survival rate of rectal cancer depending upon the patients’ age, type of tumor, stage of cancer, grade of cancer, extent of invasion or metastasis are as following:

  • 5-year survival rate in case of localized rectal cancer is 89%.
  • 5-year survival rate in case of local metastasis to regional lymph nodes aur adjacent areas is 72%
  •  In case of distant metastasis, the 5-year survival rate is 16%.

How do rectal cancer is prevented?

Protective factors that may prevent the development of rectal cancers includes:

  • Avoid red meat
  • Avoid processed food
  • Cessation of smoking
  • Limit alcohol intake
  • Maintain normal BMI
  • Exercise regularly.

How is rectal cancer treated?

Treatment options available for the management of rectal cancer includes:

  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiotherapy
  • Any combination of the above treatments.

How much time taken during PET scan for rectal cancer?

The whole procedure of PET scan takes approximately 2 hours. Up to 60 minutes are required to begin the scanning procedure after giving an intravenous radioactive agent. However, the actual process of PET scan takes approx. 30-40 minutes.

Also, it may last longer depending upon the severity of your illness and associated co-morbid conditions.

How much time it takes for PET scan report?

You will get reports on the next day. However, you can get the image films on the same day if required by your doctor.

Risks/Side effects of PET scan in rectal cancer?

PET scan is a safe procedure. The radioactivity in the radioactive drug is very low, also it doesn’t stay for longtime in your body. Drinking water can flush the radioactive agent faster from your body.

However, some risks/side effects about PET scan are as following:

  • Allergic reactions to the radiotracer or contrast agent, although rare but can happen in some individuals. However, these allergic reactions are usually mild.
  • Diabetic patients have low levels of insulin (help in transport of glucose across cells). Insulin deficiency may lead to low absorption of FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose) which may alter test results. So, inform your doctor before test.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should avoid certain medications and test for the safety of baby. Ask your doctor before undergoing PET scan.