
Some Surprising Benefits of Vitamin C

Some Surprising Benefits of Vitamin C

In this article we’ll get to know about the importance of vitamin C.

Fun fact : humans have all the necessary genes for the production of vitamin C and yet we cannot produce our own vitamin C, they become non functional due to mutations 


Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid and it is One of the most vital nutrients for the body and offers many advantages. Furthermore, because our body cannot make it on its own, it is a necessary nutrient.vitamin C is essential as it affects numerous bodily processes, including the immune system. We can include many different sources of vitamin C-rich foods in our diets. Although many people turn to pills, the simplest method to guarantee regular consumption of vitamin C is to include more fruits and vegetables high in the nutrient. 

You need vitamin C Because it helps your body's tissues develop and heal. It is essential for the synthesis of collagen, which is the building block of fibrous tissues such as blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, skin, cornea, cartilage, and bone. vitamin C is an antioxidants that help protect you against heart disease, cancer, and ailments like arthritis

Some important benefits of vitamin C

Wound healing: Vitamin C is found in skin, muscles, and other tissues. It aids in the body's production of collagen. Individuals who consume insufficient amounts of vitamin C may encounter delayed wound healing due to reduced collagen production in their bodies. For patients with low vitamin C levels, medical practitioners may suggest taking vitamin C supplements 

Anaemia: In order to boost iron absorption in patients with iron deficiency anaemia, doctors generally advise combining vitamin C supplements with iron tablets. Vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron.

Antioxidant: One of the most significant antioxidants that can prevent harm from free radicals is vitamin C. Your body produces free radicals as a result of food digestion, radiation exposure, and smoke inhalation. The ageing process is mostly caused by the accumulation of these free radicals. Vitamin C and other antioxidants can reduce the damage by neutralising free radicals.

Ageing: The body's cells are impacted by vitamin C, and its antioxidant qualities may help prevent ageing. In a study that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 4,025 women between the ages of 40 and 74 had their nutritional intakes and skin ageing was analysed. It was discovered that greater vitamin C intakes were linked to a decreased risk of wrinkles, dry skin, and a more favourable appearance of skin ageing. Furthermore, topical vitamin C therapies have been demonstrated in certain studies to lessen wrinkles.

According to other research, vitamin C may also be involved in:

  • Reversing macular degeneration.
  • lowering the level of inflammation.
  • reducing the chance of heart disease and cancer.

Lower blood pressure: if you have a persistent high BP then adding vitamin C in your diet might be the best decision as vitamin C is water soluble vitamin , incorporating it in your diet helps in the removal of excess sodium from your body and further aid in lowering the blood pressure

Boosting the immunity: Research has demonstrated that vitamin C can effectively lessen the intensity of the sickness. It reduces runny nose and inflammation, Vitamin C has also helped in managing the symptoms of  various allergies in addition to the cold and flu. This is because adding a range of foods high in vitamin C can strengthen the immune system, and vitamin C plays a major part in the body's immunity.


By now you must have realised how important vitamin C is in our life and since our body cannot make it, we have to add this essential nutrient into our diet. If you feel that your body is deficient in vitamin C or you do not consume many citrus fruits and vegetables, due to which you may have vitamin C deficiency

Frequently asked questions ( people also ask)

Is vitamin C is a fat soluble vitamin?

No vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin.

What is the other name for vitamin C test?

The other common name of vitamin C is ascorbic acid.

what test should i book for monitoring the levels of my vitamins?

Vitamin screening blood test can be done for monitoring your vitamin levels.

Vitamin screening test price in delhi?

You can book your vitamin screening test at 50% discount only from ganesh diagnostic centre at only Rs 950

What are the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency?

Bleeding gums, scurvy, dry and rough skin, delayed wound healing are few common symptoms of vitamin C deficiency.

Which fruits are rich in vitamin C?

Citrus fruits such as orange , kiwi , grapes are rich in vitamin C.

What is the normal range of vitamin C in a body?

The normal range of vitamin C in a body is 0.4 to 2.0 mg/dL.

Does vitamin C works as A antioxidant?

Yes, vitamin C works as a antioxidant.