
Throat Cancer: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Throat Cancer: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

In this blog, we will discuss the symptoms, causes, treatment and cure of throat cancer.

What is Throat Cancer?

Throat cancer is a general term used when some part of the throat is affected people with throat cancer may have cancer in their larynx (voice box) or their oropharynx (the middle part of their throat)Early diagnosis in the early stage is necessary as in later stages doctor will only prefer to remove the Infected region through surgery.

What are the different types of throat Cancer?

  • Hypopharyngeal cancer: This cancer mainly affects the part of your throat that’s just above your oesophagus and windpipe.
  • Nasopharyngeal cancer: This rare type of cancer affects the throat just behind your nose.
  • Supraglottic cancer: This cancer starts in the upper part of your throat and mainly affects your epiglottis, the cartilage that keeps food from entering your windpipe. Approx 35% of all laryngeal cancers start in your supraglottis.
  • Glottic cancer: This cancer starts in the middle part of the larynx. More than half of all laryngeal cancers start here.
  • Subglottic cancer: This cancer starts in the lower part of your voice box. About 5% of all laryngeal cancers start here.

What are the symptoms of throat Cancer?

Symptoms usually differ depending upon the region that is infected. Some common throat cancer symptoms include:

  • A sore throat that lasts for more than two weeks.
  •  Difficulty swallowing food (dysphagia).
  • hoarseness(Heavy voice), lasts more than two weeks.
  • Lumps in the back of your throat or mouth.
  • Lumps in your neck
  • Ear pain that lasts more than two weeks.

What are the causes of throat cancer?

Throat cancer is generally linked to the genetic makeup that increases the risk of this condition. This can turn healthy throat cells into cancerous cells that grow and multiply. This may occur due to some activities and medical conditions that increase your risk of developing some form of throat cancer.

  • Smoking or using tobacco products (including chewing tobacco and snuff). Mainly tobacco is the single largest risk factor for developing head and neck cancer, including throat cancer.
  • Drinking alcohol can also lead to Throat Cancer Researchers link laryngeal and pharyngeal cancer can be the major risk of concern
  • If infected with a Sexually Transmitted disease called human papillomavirus (HPV).

Diagnosis and Tests

How to Diagnose the condition in the early Phase?

Tests to diagnose laryngeal and oropharyngeal cancer include:

  • Physical examination: Your Doctor will ask you about the symptoms as well as identify any possible marks through touching an
  • Laryngoscopy: It includes an examination of your throat in more detail and the area behind your nose. 
  • Pharyngoscopy: This test helps diagnose oropharyngeal cancer. This is a scope procedure done by your healthcare provider.

Some of the Radiology Tests to Identify throat Cancer include:

Management and Treatment

How do healthcare providers treat throat cancer?

Healthcare providers will use all possible therapies available for specific types of cancer they may recommend to you before treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, to help your treatment be more effective and for easier recovery.

  • Surgery: It includes the removal of the infected region to remove as much cancer as possible while preserving your larynx and your ability to speak and swallow.
  • Radiation therapy: It includes using of radioactive isotopes to specifically target the Cancerous cells to treat any kind of tumour infection
  • Chemotherapy: Healthcare providers may combine chemotherapy with radiation therapy. They may also use chemotherapy before or after surgery.
  • Targeted therapy: Focuses on proteins and growth factors in cancer cells that help the cells to grow and multiply. This treatment kills cancer cells or slows their growth.
  • Immunotherapy: This therapy helps guide your immune system’s response to cancer.

How Can I reduce the risk of Throat Cancer?

There is no way to completely avoid throat Cancer, but there are some ways through which the risk of cancer be reduced these are:

  • Eating Healthy Diet
  • Do regular Exercise
  • Avoid Smoking and Drinking Alcohol
  • Get the HPV vaccine that helps prevent the risk of oropharyngeal Cancer

A note from Ganesh Diagnostic

Throat Cancer can now be properly treated through surgery if properly examined and analysed Your healthcare providers understand all the ways that throat cancer can change your life. Never hesitate to ask for help, Go for proper diagnosis and treatment if having any symptoms, Choose the best diagnostic centre near you and improve your wellbeing.