
What are the Functions of OPG?

What are the Functions of OPG?

OPG can help dental professionals plan appropriate treatment for dental and oral health issues, such as orthodontic treatment, dental implants, or extractions.

An OPG (Orthopantomogram) is a diagnostic tool that is primarily used to evaluate the teeth, jaws, and surrounding structures. Here are some of the key functions of OPG:

Detecting dental issues: OPG can detect a wide range of dental issues, such as tooth decay, gum disease, and impacted teeth, which may not be visible during a routine dental exam.

Evaluating jawbone problems: OPG can evaluate the jawbone for problems such as fractures, tumors, cysts, and other abnormalities.

Diagnosing wisdom teeth issues: OPG can diagnose problems with wisdom teeth, such as impaction or infection, which may require extraction.

Planning dental treatment: OPG can help dental professionals plan appropriate treatment for dental and oral health issues, such as orthodontic treatment, dental implants, or extractions.

Monitoring oral health: OPG can be used to monitor the progression of dental and oral health issues over time, helping dental professionals adjust treatment as needed.

Overall, OPG is a valuable diagnostic tool that helps dental professionals evaluate and treat a wide range of dental and oral health issues.