
What is Fasting Blood Sugar Test (FBS) and Why You Need It

What is Fasting Blood Sugar Test (FBS) and Why You Need It

A study in 2023 conducted by the ICMR INDIAB found that around 10 crores of the Indian population are suffering with diabetes.

A study in 2023 conducted by the ICMR INDIAB found that around 10 crores of the Indian population are suffering with diabetes. Further, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) confirms that diabetes in India registered a rise from 7.1% to 8.9% between 2009 to 2019. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that 25 million of the Indian population are prediabetics, and 77 million above 18 years are with type-2 diabetes. Moreover, 50% of the population are unaware that they are having diabetic condition.

Witnessing the above statistics, it is important to have regular check ups to diagnose diabetic conditions early for proactive preventive measures. 

One of the best tests for diagnosing diabetes is the Fasting Blood Sugar Test (FBS). Let us understand what a FBS test is.

What is the FBS Test?

A fasting blood sugar test is the basic and most effective test to check the glucose levels in your blood. It is conducted to diagnose prediabetes, diabetes, and gestational diabetes conditions. This type of blood test requires the patient to be on fasting for at least 8 hours.

How is the FBS Test Done?

A needle is used to prick the patient’s finger for blood. The blood sample is then sent to the laboratory for investigation and analysis. If you see 126 mg/dL on your FBS test report, it confirms diabetic condition.

Here are the FBS readings:

  • Normal Reading - 70 to 99 mg/dL
  • Prediabetes Reading - 100 to 125 mg/dL
  • Diabetes Reading - 126 mg/dL
  • Hypoglycemia Reading - Below 70 mg/dL

Why do you need an FBS Test?

Diabetic and Prediabetic Detection

Early detection of diabetic or prediabetic condition scopes for early treatment. The FBS Test readings from 100 to 125 mg/dL confirms prediabetic condition, and above 125 mg/dL, diabetic condition. Once the report confirms that you are with either of the conditions, necessary measures like dietary and lifestyle change can be resorted to control the condition.

Monitor Blood Sugar Level

An FBS test is an effective and confirmation means that helps you and the health professional to necessitate measures to control the blood sugar levels. Monitoring blood sugar levels after a fasting blood sugar (FBST test helps you reduce the symptoms, identify what affects your glucose levels, and adjust a care plan for you.

Prevent Complications

An FBS test provides room for improvement. Once you know about your diabetic condition, you are in a position to seek medical assistance and can manage your diabetes. This is possible only after you have undergone an FBS test. This test helps to prevent chronic diabetic condition and organ damage, including organ failure.

Symptoms of Diabetes

There are several symptoms of diabetes a patient may experience, some are listed below:

  • Frequent Urination - A person usually experiences high urination symptoms if he/she is suffering from diabetes.
  • Thirst - A person may experience high thirst in diabetic condition.
  • Blurred Vision and Fatigue - A person with diabetes may have blurred vision and often feels tired.
  • Slow Wound Healing - Wounds or cuts do not heal quickly if you are having diabetes.
  • Prone to infections - You may contract UTI (Urinary Tract Infections), or yeast infections, or may also have skin infections.
  • Numbness - One may have no sensation or tickling of hands or feet.
  • Skin Problems - In diabetes, a person may have roo dry skin, itchy skin, or dark skin in around certain body regions. 
  • Weight Loss - A person may experience unusual weight loss in diabetic condition.

When to act?

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms of diabetes, you need to consult the doctor and go for an FBS (fasting blood sugar) test for effective treatment. Diabetes can be managed only when it is diagnosed within reasonable time, if not, it can adversely impact body vitals and organs, leading to chronic health conditions.