To mark changes in EEG waves with your body motions, a video recording is done that help your doctor to compare, analyze, diagnose and treat your conditions.
- EEG is a completely painless, non-invasive and safe procedure.
- EEG usually takes about 30-60 minutes.
- EEG measures electrical activity of brain via electrodes applied to your scalp but usually don’t transmit any sensations. So don’t get scared of these electrodes. They just record brain activity.
- You are allowed to lie quietly during test.
- A HealthCare provider marks your scalp with specially designed pencil to allow proper positioning of electrodes on your scalp.
- Using special adhesives, many electrodes are attached to your scalp. In certain hospitals, electrodes fitted in elastic cap are used. These electrodes are connected with wires and are attached to a monitor which displays the EEG waves.
- Sometimes, your doctor may ask you to open and close your eyes, breathe deeply, or flash a light before your eyes.
- In some situations, sedatives are used to make you fall asleep while EEG RECORDING.
- To mark changes in EEG waves with your body motions, a video recording is done that help your doctor to compare, analyze, diagnose and treat your conditions.