
Whole Body PET-CT Scan

Whole Body PET-CT Scan

PET–CT Scan stands for Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography Scan. This diagnose imaging test combines two scans and is primarily being used to detect different kinds of health issues including Cancer, Heart...

PET–CT Scan stands for Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography Scan. This diagnose imaging test combines two scans and is primarily being used to detect different kinds of health issues including Cancer, Heart Problems, Brain Disorders (including but not limited to central nervous system), etc. This test detects the illness at cellular level. Therefore, you get exact report about the illness.

Few hours before starting the diagnosis, you will be given a special type of Nuclear Medicine including radiotracers in the form of tablet or injection depending upon the nature of illness and targeted body part. These radiotracers will find and accumulate at the targeted area to emit Gamma Rays. radiology labs A highly sensitive PET Scanner machine will track these radiation to create the image and provide the required details about the illness.

Affected body will look as bright spots on PET CT Scan. This imaging test also calculates oxygen used by your body, blood circulation, response of sugar on your body. PET-CT Scan is an OPD procedure so you can immediately return to daily activities of routine life once the scan is done.

Preparation For A PET CT Scan

This imaging test requires you to be very careful. Stop doing any strenuous physical activity 24-48 hours before the schedule. You are also required to talk to doctor if consuming any kind of medicine. Your technologist will properly analyse the situation to suggest the best way possible. Diabetic people might get some leniency during the diagnosis. You are also suggested to not consumecereals, pasta,bread, rice, milk and several other prohibited food items24 hours before PET CT Scan. You can only drink water in limited quantity that too if necessary.

Some other points to follow are:

Do not eat chewing gum or keep any sugary candy in mouth during the diagnosis

• Remove jewellery items or other types of metal items from and around body (metals disturb functioning of scanner to distort images)

• Remain cool and calm (it is a safe and reliable scan to detect specific illnesses)

Precautions to be taken

• Pregnant Ladies: Pregnant Ladies are advised to not go for PET-CTScan. It proves unsafe for unborn baby. Exposure to radiation causes highly problematic issues to compromise upon big terms.

• Lactating Mothers: Lactating Mothers are also advised to avoid this test. Presence of radiotracers in body will restrict you to breastfeed baby for up to 24-36 hours.

• People with allergies and other complicated conditions: Allergic people are also advised to take care before making a decision for PET-CT Scan. People with other complicated conditions also need to discuss with technologist in concern of safety and other kinds of harms.

• Kidney Patients: Discuss all points with the technologist, to gain confidence, if you are a kidney patient. You are also advised to take specific precautions as per the instructions of the doctor.

How Much Time Does PET-CT Scan Takes

PET–CT Scanis a long process. So, do not force your technologist to finish the diagnosis in quick time. You essentially have to prepare yourself according to the aforementioned guidelines. In addition, you need to sit or lie at one place in immovable position for at least one hour after taking the Nuclear Medicine. This is very important. Radiotracers take time to find the targeted area and accumulate to take the process forward.

Other Important Stages Of PET-CT Scan Are:

Verification of documents
• Authenticating vitals
• Wait until radiotracers complete the job
• PET–CT Scan conducted
• IV contrast and PET–CT Scan
• Additional sequencing
• Wait until report gets developed
• Collect report

What to do after PET–CT Scan?

PET–CT Scan is an OPD and safe procedure. So, you can conveniently return to normal activities once the test is finished. Your doctor's approval is necessary before leaving. He may ask you to stay for long during specific condition. As you are given Nuclear Medicine so you will be asked to drink a lot of water to flush the toxins

You also have to maintain a safe distance from ladies and infants for next 12-16 hours. Nuclear material remains present in body for next two days. Remain calm! It is normal and harmless. It will automatically remove from the body through natural waist. Collect your report and contact the doctor for further treatment.

Where To Reach For PET-CT Scan?

There are however several diagnostic centres available in and around your home to reach. But, you are advised to always contact the certified one that too on doctor’s consultation.

What Is The Cost Of PET-CT Scan?

APET-CT Scanbasically requires Rs.10,000-RS.15,000 at a common diagnostic centre. Please keep in mind this amount may vary from centre to centre depending upon the location and facilities provided. 

Who Can Perform The PET-CT Scan?

Only a trained and expert radiologist can perform the test. He will meticulously examine your health condition to decide whether PET-CT Scanning is required to be done or not. He will also take best care for safety concerns.