
Why My Stomach Hurts So Much? Get It Diagnosed by Abdominal CT Scan

Why My Stomach Hurts So Much? Get  It Diagnosed by Abdominal CT Scan

CT scan is an advancement in radiology and diagnostics which helps us detect cancers, the blog below contains all the possible questions one can have about CT scanning and procedure, from its risks to its uses, and also...

CT Scan full form is Computed tomography scan. Abdominal CT Scan is an imaging method. It uses X-rays to create cross sectional images of the belly area. The abdominal CT Scan is used to diagnose and detect disease for example of colon, small bowel and other internal organs including organs, soft tissues and blood vessels providing a greater detail than traditional X-rays

Uses of Abdominal CT Scan?

CT Scan is used to help diagnose diseases of internal organs; doctors typically use it to help diagnose pelvic and abdominal pain, some of them including

CT Scanning of abdomen/pelvis can also be used to-

  • Guide biopsies and other procedures such as abscess drainages and minimally invasive tumor treatments.
  • Stage, plan and properly administer the radiation treatments for monitoring response to chemotherapy in tumors.
  • Plan for and assess the results of surgery, such as transplants.

What Does the CT Machine Look Like?

CT Scanner is a large, donut shaped machine with a short tunnel in the center. Out of this scanner tunnel, a narrow table comes that slides in and out of the short tunnel. There is a ring on which the X-ray tube and x-ray detectors lie opposite to each other. This whole apparatus is called gantry which rotates around you. The computer workstation that processes the x-ray are in separate room. In this room the operator is placed to operate the scanner and visualize you while the scanning is happening. The technologist is able to hear and talk to you using speaker and microphone. 

How the Test is Performed?

How the Test is Performed

You will lie down on the table, the table slides into the center of the CT Scanner. You will lie on your back with hands above your head.

Once you slide in the CT Scanner, the machine Xray beam rotates around you. Modern spiral sacnners are capable of doing scan without stopping.

Computer is used to create separate images of belly area. These images can be stored, on monitor they can be printed on the film as well. 3D models can be created by stacking the images together

You must lie stable and still during the scanning since any movement can burr out the image. You might be asked to hold breath for short period during scanning.

In many cases CT abdomen is done with pelvis CT.

The scan usually takes less than 30 minutes.

How Does the Test Feel?

The table on which you have to lie is hard, it might feel a little uncomfortable

If you have injected a contrast through vein (iv) you may have-

  • Slight metallic taste in the mouth
  • Warm flushing of the body
  • Slight burning sensation away These feelings go ar by themselves within a few second

Risks of CT Scan

  • If contrast dye is used, Allergy to contrast dye can occur. As the contrast contains iodine, iodine being a potent allergen although the radiology department are well equipped to deal with any reactions.
  • Exposure to radiation, although it is very low, there is a chance of cancer development but the benefits from x-rays are far more than the risks involved 
  • Damage to kidney functions from contrast dye
  • If you suspect you are pregnant, you should notify you physician priorly. Seethe safety in x-ray, for more information about pregnancy and X-ray.
  • Doctors do not usually recommend CT Scan for pregnant lady unless medically necessary because of potential risk to unborn baby.
  • If personal is having kidney problems and is taking Glucophage (diabetic medication) contrast dye can cause kidney failure.
  • If iv contrast is used in breastfeeding mothers, hey are suggested not to breastfeed babies for at least 24-48 hours after the procedure.

Factors That Interfere With CT Scan

The factors include, but are not limited to the following

  • Metallic objects within the abdomen, such as surgical clips
  • Stool/gas in bowel
  • Hip replacement
  • If any barium study is done recently, barium may interfere.

Why Ganesh Diagnostic Center?

At Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre, we are known for providing excellent service and care to its patients for decades. Lakhs of satisfied patients over the years!

It is an established and renowned diagnostic center since 2001.

Their excellence is backed by NABH and NABL Accreditations.

NABH accreditation is proof of the highest standard of care and service provided to the patients. NABL accreditation reflects the competency of laboratories and equipment based on some national and international standards.

Test report is available digitally too.

Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre is a one-stop solution for getting all kinds of tests done, as all services are available under one roof.

The aim of GDIC is to provide world’s finest technology at the lowest price.

The rates of scans are reasonably priced. Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre also offer FLAT 50% OFF on many tests. 

Patients can rely upon test reports as reports are 100% accurate.

We have many MRI centers in delhi which can offer MRI report Images online as well.