
CECT Lower Abdomen - Test, Cost & Procedure

CECT Lower Abdomen

CECT Lower Abdomen

Book CECT Lower Abdomen Appointment Online Near me at the best price in Delhi/NCR from Ganesh Diagnostic. NABL & NABH Accredited Diagnostic centre and Pathology lab in Delhi offering a wide range of Radiology & Pathology tests. Get Free Ambulance & Free Home Sample collection. 24X7 Hour Open. Call Now at 011-47-444-444 to Book your CECT Lower Abdomen at 50% Discount.

₹ 7000 ₹ 3500

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CECT Scan is a medical imaging technique that is used to detect the internal images of the body. Contrast agents are used to create better images of the bones, organs, blood vessels and other tissues. 

What is CECT Lower Abdomen?

A contrast-enhanced computed tomography of the lower abdomen is a diagnostic imaging technique used to visualise and assess the organs and structures in the abdominal region. 

Book CECT lower abdomen today with the Best Diagnostic Centre near me. 

These images enable the healthcare provider to check for any abnormalities in your abdominal cavity. 

Why is an Abdominal CECT Scan Lower Abdomen Performed?

Lower abdomen CECT is used when a doctor suspects something wrong in the abdominal area but is unable to diagnose it completely with a physical exam and laboratory tests.

CECT of the lower abdomen is commonly performed to diagnose a range of medical conditions affecting organs such as intestines, kidneys, bladder, reproductive organs and pelvic structures, suspected cancers and evaluate the treatment progress. 

CECT lower abdomen in males is used to detect lumps or swelling in the testicles, undescended testicles, pelvic pain and urination problems. While in females CECT is used to detect the cause of pelvic pain, infertility, vaginal bleeding, fibroids and pain in the lower belly.

How to Prepare for CECT Lower Abdomen?

During CECT lower abdomen scan patients have to fast for 4-6 hours before the scan.

Remove all metallic objects, jewellery, hair clips, eyeglasses, dentures, metal underwire bras and hearing aids.

Inform your doctor if the patient has any medical history, pregnant or suspects that the patient might be pregnant, and has any past allergic reaction to the contrast media.

Patients need recent creatinine and urea test reports to examine kidney function so that contrast media is eliminated safely.

What is the Procedure CECT Lower Abdomen?

The CECT procedure is the same as a CT scan. A contrast dye may be given orally or intravenously, then patients have to wait for 15-30 minutes before the scan. This dye enhances the visibility of blood vessels and tissues, enabling clear images of the abdominal region. Scanning is done in which X-ray beam moves in a circle around the body and information is sent to the computer that is analysed by the radiologist and a report is prepared.

After Care

Patients need to drink a lot of water for faster removal of dye.

When Will I Get My CECT Lower Abdomen Results?

The radiologist will analyse and interpret the obtained images and the result will be shared within 48 hours.

What is the price of the CECT Lower Abdomen test?

The price of CECT lower abdomen near me in Delhi varies. It generally ranges from INR 3500/- to INR 7000/-

Book CECT Lower Abdomen online at Ganesh Diagnostic Centre

To provide hassle-free diagnostic service we also provide online service to book your appointment. At Ganesh Diagnostic, you can book the CECT Lower Abdomen test online by scheduling your appointment. Quick, non-invasive CT Scan appointment is available for detailed insights into your body. Schedule now for a comprehensive health assessment. We are 24/7 Open at your service.

Test Type CECT Lower Abdomen

CECT Lower Abdomen (CT Scan)

  • Remove the object that contains Metal, such as Jewellery, Hair Clips, Watches, Rings, or any other similar object from scanning part of the body, so as to avoid a bright or blank spot on the diagnostic film.
  • You must inform the technologist, radiology nurse, and/or physician if you have allergies, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or are on medication.
  • Minimum 4 hours fasting required.
  • You can drink water.
  • Latest (1 Week) Serum Creatinine or KFT report required.
  • Doctor’s Prescription.
  • Bring all documents related to medical history.
  • Carry your ID Proof.

Within 4-6 hours*

Test Price ₹ 3500 ₹ 7000
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