
CT Chest 3D - Test, Cost & Procedure

CT Scan Chest 3D

CT Scan Chest 3D

Book CT Scan Chest 3D Appointment Online Near me at the best price in Delhi/NCR from Ganesh Diagnostic. NABL & NABH Accredited Diagnostic centre and Pathology lab in Delhi offering a wide range of Radiology & Pathology tests. Get Free Ambulance & Free Home Sample collection. 24X7 Hour Open. Call Now at 011-47-444-444 to Book your CT Scan Chest 3D at 50% Discount.

₹ 10000 ₹ 5000

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What is the CT Chest 3D?

CT Chest 3D is a study of chest regions that visualises the internal structure of the chest and its pathology in 3D reconstruction. The test detects injuries, fractures, infections, inflammations, and cancers in the chest cavity. The chest CT is also used to determine the cause of chest pain, shortness of breath, heart abnormalities, etc.

Why is CT Chest 3D done?

Doctors will recommend CT Chest 3D test to look for:

  • Rib injury.
  • Tumors in the chest region
  • Pneumonia
  • Tuberculosis
  • Pneumothorax 
  • Haemoptysis 

In which case is CT Chest 3D not performed? 

CT chest 3D is not performed if the patient is pregnant or the patient suspects any pregnancy. This procedure involves radiation, which is harmful to unborn babies.

How Does One Prepare For CT Chest 3D Test?

Patient may need to remove all the metallic wearing before going for the CT chest 3D scan. Also, alert the healthcare provider for anybody implants. Consult the healthcare provider before going for a CT chest 3D test.

What Is The Procedure For a CT Chest 3D test scan?

In this radiological test, the patient has to lie supine on a scanning table which is attached to the scanning machine. The table slides into the machine and scans are performed in suspended inspiration and then reconstructed in 3D.

What is the price of a CT Chest 3D test scan near me in Delhi NCR?

CT Chest 3D test price depends on the healthcare provider and the area. The cost of a test near me in Delhi typically ranges from INR 5000 to INR 10000, depending on the diagnostic centre.

Book CT Scan Chest 3D online at Ganesh Diagnostic Centre

To provide hassle-free diagnostic service we also provide online service to book your appointment. At Ganesh Diagnostic, you can book CT Scan Chest 3D online by scheduling your appointment. Quick, non-invasive CT Scan appointment is available for detailed insights into your body. Schedule now for a comprehensive health assessment. We are 24/7 Open at your service.


CT chest 3D is a non-invasive procedure that uses X-rays with computed tomography for the detection of abnormalities in the chest cavity. CT chest 3D is not preferred during pregnancy because of radiation. Patients can book the CT chest 3D scanning test online from the Ganesh Diagnostic Centre website

Test Type CT Scan Chest 3D

CT Chest 3D (CT Scan)

  • Remove the object that contains Metal, such as Jewellery, Hair Clips, Watches, Rings, or any other similar object from scanning part of the body, so as to avoid a bright or blank spot on the diagnostic film.
  • You must inform the technologist, radiology nurse, and/or physician if you have allergies, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or are on medication.
  • Fasting is not required.
  • Doctor’s Prescription.
  • Bring all documents related to medical history.
  • Carry Your ID Proof.

Within 6-8 hours*

Test Price ₹ 5000 ₹ 10000
Frequently Asked Questions

CT chest 3D is computed tomography that uses X-rays for the detection of abnormalities in the chest cavity. CT chest 3D shows injuries, fractures, infections, inflammations, tumours and cancers in the chest cavity.


When doctors suspect any abnormality in the chest like shortness of breath, chest pain, suspected lung cancer, pneumothorax etc. CT chest 3D scans can take around 10 to 15 minutes and contrast chest CT takes around 60 to 90 minutes.


CT chest 3D is a painless procedure, but some patients may feel the scan uncomfortable if they fear closed spaces. There are no known side effects of the CT chest 3D if the patient has no complications with the X-ray exposure.

CT means computed tomography and CAT means computed axial tomography in CT chest 3D and both are the same.


CT uses X-rays with computer technology for the CT chest 3D while PET scans use radioactive tracers for the detection of abnormalities in the chest.


Patients can click on the Ganesh Diagnostic Centre website to download the CT chest 3D report from home.


You can type CT chest 3D Centre near me in Google search for the nearest centres available for CT chest 3D.


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