
Dental Panoramic TMJ Tomography - Test, Procedure & Cost

Dental Panoramic TMJ Tomography

Dental Panoramic TMJ Tomography

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A panoramic dental tomography test is also known as a TMJ tomogram.

What is Panoramic TMJ Tomography?

Panoramic TMJ X-ray is a diagnostic tool that uses X-Ray radiations to produce images of the Temporomandibular joint.

Why is a Panoramic TMJ Tomogram Done?

TMJ X-rays are a diagnostic tool that uses radiation for the following reasons:-

  • TMJ pain dysfunction syndrome
  • TMJ disease
  • To investigate pathological conditions affecting the condylar heads and necks
  • Condylar Hypo/Hyperplasia

What is the Procedure of a Panoramic TMJ Tomogram?

Panoramic TMJ tomograms usually image both condylar heads; the first patient is asked to sit or stand in front of an OPG X-ray machine. The technician will position a machine to take images of the X-Ray jaw from different angles. During the X-ray scanning arm is rotated in a semicircle around the patient's head, beginning on one side of the jaw and ending on the other.

A panoramic x-ray machine, rather than using film placed inside the mouth, projects a beam through the patient onto film or a detector rotating opposite the x-ray tube.

The majority of x-ray images are digital files that are electronically stored. Your doctor will have easy access to these saved images in order to diagnose and manage your condition.

The digital format also allows the dentist to change the image's contrast, brightness, and darkness for better visualization of specific structures and tissues. Film images cannot be altered or changed.

What is the Preparation?

You need to remove all kinds of metal objects that you are wearing, as they can obscure the images.

What Are the Limitations?

A panoramic x-ray does not provide precise and detailed information about individual teeth or soft tissues such as muscles. It is typically used as a preliminary examination of the bones and teeth. Because your mouth is curved, the panoramic x-ray may produce a slightly blurry image in which accurate measurements of your teeth and jaw are impossible. A computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be ordered if your dentist or surgeon requires additional information. This may include Dental Cone Beam CT, a specialized imaging exam for this area of the body.

After care

No special care is required

The Price of a Panoramic X-rays in Delhi

The price of a Panoramic X-rays in Delhi varies. It usually ranges from INR 200 to INR 2000.

Test Type Dental Panoramic TMJ Tomography

X-Ray OPG (X-Rays)


Within 3-4 hours*

Test Price
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