
HLA Pre-Transplant Workup Sensitized Recipient Panel 4 Test and Its Price in Delhi, India

HLA Pre-Transplant Workup Panel 4

HLA Pre-Transplant Workup Sensitized Recipient Panel 4

Book HLA Pre-Transplant Workup Sensitized Recipient Panel 4 Appointment Online at the best price in Delhi/NCR from Ganesh Diagnostic. NABL & NABH Accredited Diagnostic centre in Delhi offering a wide range of Radiology & Pathology tests. Get Free Ambulance & Free Sample collection from Home. 24 Hour Open.

₹ 76310 ₹ 38155

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HLA is arranged for human leukocytes. HLA are polypeptides or traits on most compartments in your body. Your resistant technique operates HLA to notice which compartments belong and which do not. The polypeptide covered by HLAs is a hose on the outermost part of body compartments that are extraordinary to that person. The resistant strategy utilizes the HLAs to discern. Any compartment displaying that individual HLAA type is possessed by that individual and, therefore, is not an invader.

HLA varieties are inherited, and some of them are related to autoimmune ailments and other ailments. People with distinct HLA Ag are more credible to cultivate certain autoimmune ailments, such as type I diabetes.

Some HLA-mediated alignments are e directly problematic in the promotion of benign. Gluten-radical enteropathy is unrelated with a heightened preponderance of enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma, and DR3-DQ2 homozygotes are within the elevated hazard group, with close to eighty percent of gluten-sensitive enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma cases.

HLA Pre-Transplant Workup Sensitized Recipient Panel 4 Examination Details

Analysis instructions

Specialty: Nephrologist

>> Ingredients

Recipient : *HLA DNA Typing for Kidney / Liver transfer, High-intention  NGS *HLA T & B cell lymphocyte cross-match vs prospect contributor *

>> Division

Exporting Stability: chamber Temperature: 1 day, cold storage:not analysis, chilled: not analysis

PreTest Information

Medic medication on the letterhead with one photograph of each of the receivers and contributors duly stamped AND an agreement form for HLA Typing for Solid organ transfer is compulsory.

Fact Description

Pre-Kidney transplantation workup of the receiver to ƒ?› Assessments a stimulate receiver with a part of multiple blood transmission, gestations & re-transplants ƒ?› Assessing the HLA contest/mismatch between receiver & contributor at elevated determination ƒ?› Ab filtering the isoimmunization level of the receiverƒ?› Assign the status of hypersensitive of the receiver to the contributor by Ab identification at allele carefulness status & to determine specificities of all Ab are present.

Test Type HLA Pre-Transplant Workup Sensitized Recipient Panel 4

HLA Pre-Transplant Workup Sensitized Recipient Panel 4 Test (Nephrology)


Within 24 hours*

Test Price ₹ 38155 ₹ 76310
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