OPG (Orthopantomogram) test is a wide x-ray view that generates a clear picture of all teeth of the upper and lower jaw of a human. It shows the position, number and growth of all the teeth even those that have not yet erupted. It is also known as Dental Radiographs.
You need to remove all kinds of metal objects that you be wearing, as they can obscure the images.
No special care is required.
The price of an x-ray OPG scan in Delhi varies. It usually ranges from INR 500 to INR 800. Book your OPG dental x-ray test at the certified diagnostic centre for quality diagnosis and detection of oral health issues.
To provide hassle-free diagnostic service we also provide online service to book your appointment. At Ganesh Diagnostic, you can book OPG tests online by scheduling your appointment. Schedule now for a comprehensive health assessment. We are 24/7 Available at your service.