
Bright Scan Ultrasound (B Scan) Procedure

Bright Scan Ultrasound (B Scan) Procedure

Bright Scan Ultrasound (B Scan) Procedure

 To provide a cross-sectional image of the interior structures of the eye, B-scan ultrasonography is frequently used.

Why is Bright Scan Ultrasound Done?

The procedure is safe, non-invasive, and performed extremely quickly. It is frequently employed to assess tumors or find retinal or choroidal detachment. It is also utilized when the retina cannot be readily seen and evaluated, such as in situations of vitreous hemorrhage, extensive cataracts, or in individuals recovering from trauma.

Precautions/ Preparation

  • There is no additional preparation needed for the procedure. Your doctor will advise if you need any kind of extra preparation per your need.
  • This procedure is avoided in case of open globe injury of the eye.


After applying a thin layer of gel to the closed lids, the technician conducts the test by placing a probe on them. The technician assesses the condition of several intraocular structures by having the patient look in various directions.

After Care

No care is needed following the procedure.