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MRI Neck Scan Procedure

MRI Neck Scan Procedure

MRI Neck Scan Procedure

MRI Neck is performed when the neck pain is severe enough to produce arm or leg pain that has not been relieved by conservative treatment. It is also used to diagnose a wide range of uncommon spinal disorders, such as sclerosis, scoliosis, arthritis, spine infections, or after a spinal accident or trauma. Additionally, it could be carried out as guidance for the operating surgeons before or after spinal surgery.

Other than the following few things, there is no additional preparation required for the MRI Neck scanning:

  • If you are pregnant, let your doctor know. During the first trimester of pregnancy, MRIs are not advised.
  • If you experience claustrophobia or a phobia of being in small areas, let your doctor know.
  • Any metal implants you may have from a prior procedure should be disclosed to your doctor. If so, getting an MRI might not be safe for you.
  • You must take off all jewellery and metal-containing clothing before having an MRI. If you leave your jewellery at home, it might be simpler. A hospital gown will probably be required for the exam.

Procedure for MRI Neck Scan

  • The MRI machine is connected to a little bed where you will lie down. Your arms will be at your sides and your head will be supported by a headrest.
  • To block out the loud pounding and thumping noises the machine creates while it is functioning, the MRI technician will provide you with earplugs. During the scan, you could have the option of listening to music. You may feel more at ease and be diverted from the loudness as a result.
  • Your head and neck will be covered by a frame known as a "coil." There is a transmitter inside the coil. It aids in focusing the machine's energy to create the most accurate photographs. A signalling device will also be placed on your hand by the MRI technician. If you require assistance while the exam is underway, you can use it to do so.
  • The table will slide into the machine once you are in the ideal position. You can view the MRI technician through a window in the adjacent room. Periodic updates on the scan's progress will be provided to you.
  • MRI studies in the cervical region usually take 30 to 45 minutes. You must maintain as much stillness as you can throughout this period. If you move, the visuals might become distorted.
  • You can resume your activities after the completion of the procedure. If any additional instruction is required, your doctor will guide you.