Thyroid Ultrasound Procedure
The thyroid, a gland in the neck that controls metabolism, can be seen via an imaging technique called a thyroid ultrasound.
Why is Thyroid Ultrasound Done?
A thyroid ultrasound may be advised if a thyroid function test results in an abnormality or if your doctor feels a growth on your thyroid when checking your neck.
- Remove any necklaces or other items from your neck that could obstruct your throat before the test. You'll be instructed to take off your shirt and lie on your back.
- To enhance the clarity of the ultrasound images, your doctor might advise injecting contrast chemicals into your circulation.
- The ultrasound technician tilts your head back and exposes your throat by placing a pillow or pad beneath the back of your neck. Although you could feel uncomfortable, it's usually not painful to be in this position. You might be allowed to sit upright throughout the ultrasound in some circumstances.
- The transducer will then be rubbed with gel to make it easier for it to glide over your skin.
- The technician will repeatedly move the transducer over the region of your thyroid. Inform your technician if you experience any pain.
- To ensure that the radiologist has a clear view of your thyroid to assess, images will be available on a screen.
After Care
There are no hazards connected with a thyroid ultrasound. Once it's over, you can get back to your regular activities.