
X-Ray Abdomen PA Standing View Procedure

X-Ray Abdomen PA Standing View Procedure

X-Ray Abdomen PA Standing View Procedure

An X-ray of the abdomen performed while the patient is standing up is used to assess for fluid levels when there is a bowel obstruction. Doctors may be able to determine the cause of stomach pain or vomiting by taking an X-ray of the patient's stomach. It can occasionally detect kidney stones, obstructions, holes in the intestines, and masses like tumours.


This view is useful in assessing:

    • Perforation
    • Air OR Fluid Levels
    • Ulcers
    • Perforations
    • Intra-Abdominal Masses
    • Bowel Obstructions
    • Postoperative Pain


    • For the X-Ray procedure, patients must remove all types of metallic objects from the body parts for the accurate result on diagnostic film.
    • Information about the pregnancy needs to be given to the technician before the procedure.


    • No rotation of the shoulders or pelvis; the patient is standing with the ventral abdomen towards the image detector.
    • Must include the patient's entire transverse breadth (if possible; if not, two radiographs may be obtained).
    • Hands can be put on top of or around the detector.