
CT Myelogram Test

CT Myelogram Test

CT Myelogram Test

A myelogram is an imaging procedure that looks at the connection between your vertebrae and discs, as well as the spinal cord, nerves, and nerve roots. It determines whether something is actively pressing against your spinal cord, nerves, or nerve roots, causing back pain or numbness and weakness in your arms and/or legs. A radiologist will inject a contrast medium (also known as contrast material or dye) into your spinal canal through your lower back prior to the test. The radiologist may then take a few X-rays of your spine (a computed tomography (CT) scan of your spine after the injection will provide more detailed information.

By injecting contrast into your spinal fluid, a myelogram can show your spinal cord, spinal nerves, nerve roots, and spine bones. As a result, it will reveal anything pressing against your spinal cord or nerves. There are several possibilities for what is causing this pain and creating this unwanted pressure, including:

  1. Disc herniation or bulging
  2. Your spinal joints are arthritic.
  3. Tumours located within or near your spine.

The radiologist and technologist will be with you the entire time. Before beginning the procedure, they will ask you to lie on your stomach or side on a tilting table.

Cleaning your lower back with an antiseptic solution and administering a local anaesthetic

After numbing the area, the radiologist will insert a needle into your spinal canal and inject a contrast material into the fluid-filled sac that houses your spinal cord and nerve roots. This injection can occasionally cause pressure, but this usually goes away as soon as you move around after the procedure. Once the radiologist has injected enough contrast material, the needle will be removed.

Tilting the table slightly to ensure that the contrast material flows to your spine's specific area of interest (the radiologist may also ask you to tilt or move your head).

Once the contrast is in place, your doctor will perform limited preliminary X-rays of your spine, followed by a more comprehensive CT scan of the region of your spine that your doctor believes is causing your symptoms.

A CT Myelogram Testis typically performed in a hospital's radiology department or an outpatient imaging facility. So, for the best services and reliable results, schedule your test at Ganesh Diagnostic in Yamuna Vihar.