
USG Guided FNAC Test

USG Guided FNAC Test

USG Guided FNAC Test

Ultrasonography (USG)-guided fine needle aspiration cytology

USG-guided for the diagnosis of retroperitoneal masses, FNAC is a low-cost, dependable, quick, safe, and accurate procedure. It was more accurate in identifying benign lesions than malignant lesions.

Your doctor may request a USG-guided FNAC test for a variety of reasons.

FNAC tests are frequently used to diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions, including cancer and inflammatory conditions. The following are a few of the more common reasons for performing FNAC tests:

When a suspicious-looking lump or mass of tissue is discovered beneath the skin, a doctor may recommend a USG-guided FNAC test.

A USG-guided FNAC test may be performed while a tumour is being treated. An FNAC test is expected to provide information about the development.

An FNAC test guided by a USG may also be performed to collect tissue mass for a thorough evaluation of a continuing tumour state.

A small needle is inserted into a suspicious mass to remove several cells, which are then examined under a microscope. This is known as ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration.

Cytology by aspiration (USG-guided FNAC).

Cysts from the breast, thymus, lymph nodes, liver, lung, and other organs can be aspirated with it. The method is used to diagnose a variety of inflammatory diseases, including

Cancer. The test aids in monitoring the efficacy of tumour treatment.

It does not use ionising radiation, has no known side effects, and provides a clear image of soft tissues that x-rays cannot see.

The Specialist Radiologist uses an ultrasound machine to locate and guide a specialised needle to the correct area of the body during an Ultrasound-guided Biopsy. The needle is then carefully removed from the body after collecting a tissue sample.

There is no need to prepare for a FNAC. It is not recommended to do it on an empty stomach. Patients may resume their normal activities following the examination.

The procedure is painless and quick. this procedure is generally well-tolerated, with most patients experiencing either mild pain or no pain during the procedure. There were no patients who experienced excruciating pain.

An USG Guided FNAC Test is typically performed in a hospital's radiology department or an outpatient imaging facility. So, for the best services and reliable results, schedule your test at Ganesh Diagnostic in Yamuna Vihar.